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05-10-11, 17:50
Could PTSD be caused by Panic attacks
Coz i had panic attacks for about a year but not anymore but i ve been left with anxiety symptoms. is it possable the the panic attacks have left me with this anxiety.
As my docs Therapist and Neuros just cant come up for reason why i suddenly started to have the PAs and why i am left it such a state.

06-10-11, 23:26
Hi Scott,

I think you have it all back to front :) PTSD is caused by a traumatic,life threatening event, the symptoms being quite specific, please have a look at this thread:Panic attacks and anxiety being one of the things that sometimes happen afterwards.
From what you have described you had PA's without a root cause that you can see, the likelyhood was a build up of other things in your life making you more anxious than you realised and then you had the panic attacks to deal with as well :)

Difficult as it is to cope with the panic and anxiety, PTSD treatments are maybe not the route for you to persue.

Lynnann :flowers:

07-10-11, 00:08

I don't think that you can class being left with anxiety as a form of PTSD to be honest with you Scott.

Anxiety triggers panic attacks in the first place, so you are probably still experiencing the original anxiety, but have just stopped having panic attacks now, which is at least something positive, as IMO there is NOTHING worse than a panic attack.

Although anxiety is a horrible thing to be left dealing with, it can be addressed. I think that it is probably wiser for you to focus on managing the anxiety and the reasons behind it rather than going down the PTSD therapy route.

Anxiety always has root causes and far better to get to the heart of those.

Take care.x:hugs:

07-10-11, 17:56
What i was thinking could the First panic attacks be the tromatic event that has caused the PTSD it was just a wonder.
With regards to finding the root, myself my docs my therapist just cant find anything, i ve lived a relitivley happy and stressless life up untill this all started.
But vestibular damage seems to be the cause for my own views but my docs just file me away without proper testing.

07-10-11, 18:17
PTSD is caused by a psychical real event, where there was a real threat present, where a panic attack is all psychical and mental it's inside, where PTSD is caused by an event outside of your self, if that makes any sense, but I go get what you mean.
Panic attacks are caused by stress, you panic and then fear having another one and this creates the vicious cycle.