View Full Version : Plz help really scared

anx mum
05-10-11, 20:30
Been getting pain in my calf for about 10 days now :weep: like a dull ache and sharp pain. Today ive been in agony my HA is sky high really scared

05-10-11, 20:44
Is you leg hot or swollen? Do you have any other symptoms Hun? X

anx mum
05-10-11, 20:47
Not hot and dont think its swollen but pains awful got docs in morning

06-10-11, 08:03
hi bev its def not what you are thinking it is ,you have had all the tests for that and its been going on for a long time now ,i hope dr sorts it for you and you know you can pm me as ive had the problem last year tc hope get on ok at drs

anx mum
09-10-11, 21:37
Hi guys still worried about calf my doc has promised me its not a dvt find it so hard to trust docs when the pain is so bad this is really affecting my anxiety again

09-10-11, 22:07
What did the doc say it was?

10-10-11, 00:06
What kind of pain are you having?
Maybe you need to see a chiropractor, it could be also due to flat feet / fallen arches, etc..

anx mum
10-10-11, 21:06
Like a dull ache most of time its been in both calfs also a sharp shooting pain my anxiety has gone sky high again:weep: so fed up with this