View Full Version : GAD,or just ill.

Planet Caravan
05-10-11, 22:33
Hi all,
I call it the lurgy, feels a bit like I'm coming down with flu,but never happens, got it at the moment. Often feel like this,but I think it's the GAD causing it, anyone else get similar things happening, I'm generally just plagued with headaches.

05-10-11, 22:41
GAD can weaken your immune system.
GAD and depression too can take it out of you and make you tired and achy, when you spend all day anxious, tense, worried, racing heart it makes you very tired.

Planet Caravan
05-10-11, 22:44
Yep,you're right about the tiredness,I get so knackered. Got a bit of depression too.

06-10-11, 08:17
Time of year can get you down too. I always start to feel yucky about now as the nights draw in and the mornings are darker when I get up. Most of my interests start to go on the ‘back boiler’ as well so end up getting bored – Ah well roll on Spring:)

Planet Caravan
06-10-11, 22:56
I think you're right groundhog about the weather, it has been so dull, wet, windy in my part of England, Iwas thinking the same myself.
My asthma has been playing up abit too.
Feeling a bitbetter today, got some good excercise done last night and tonight.