View Full Version : Loss of appetite, depressed and anxious etc

06-10-11, 10:57
Hi everyone, I haven't been on for a while as I was doing well with my anxiety issues. I recently received some very bad news and since then I have been depressed and anxious. I have had a complete loss of appetite, I'm always tired and constantly thinking about the bad news that I received. I'm also starting to lose weight and I'm already tiny so I can't afford to get thinner.I had a complete blood count about 6 weeks before getting the bad news and everything was fine. So my questions are, are these typical symptoms of anxiety and depression or could there be something seriously wrong with me? The loss of appetite is very worrying for me. I could do with some words of wisdom please. Thank you very much for reading my post x

06-10-11, 11:04
hi ya sorry to hear your feeling bad hun , are u on meds ? i am and have no appetite either lost a stone !! i always get the same on meds untill they reach a theruputic stage which seems to take forever to kick in , but yeah u are normal some people comfort eat and pile on the pounds and the like s of us dont xx drink plenty of water hun , thats wat im living on aswell as nasty fags! i do each day but silly amounts which really isnt me !! xxx

---------- Post added at 10:04 ---------- Previous post was at 10:01 ----------

http://www.mindpub.com/art456.htm this may help to settle ya mind xx

06-10-11, 14:14
hi, First off I'm sorry to hear you've recieved this bad news but to answer your question yes loss of appetite and tiredness are definitley common in depression. So naturally you're going to lose weight because of this. Perhaps talk to your Dr about meal replacement shakes like complan or build up. We have them here in the uk and basically they're a powder that you can make into a soup or a shake and they have a load of nutrients in to top up what you might be missing if you can't face a meal.
Are you actually eating just not feeling like it or missing meals? As much as it's awful to eat when you have no appetite you just need to carry on eating as much as you can.
Tiredness is a symptom of depression but if you're not getting the energy you need from food then this would be adding to your tiredness too.
Best wishes

06-10-11, 21:47
Sorry to hear of your difficulties. As the others have said it does sound very much like anxiety and depression, both of which can impact on your appetite. I've lost a lot of weight this year in similar circumstances. Worth checking in with a doctor for reassurance, etc, if you are still worried, however. Take care.

07-10-11, 05:55
Thank you everyone for your kind replies. I'm not on meds although my doctor did prescribe Xanax but it completely knocks me out so I don't take it. I woke up again this morning feeling awful so again my appetite is out of whack. I do drink protein shakes and try and eat some food but it is so hard. Do you think since I had a full blood count recently, the results would have show if anything was wrong. I'm seeing my doctor next week again but it seems like ages away and I really have no-one else to talk to (well I do, but I don't want to burden anyone). xx