View Full Version : Nervous tummy every day

20-05-06, 08:26

Can anyone else relate to this ? Even when I am having a good week I still wake up every day with a churning stomach and the need to go to the loo. It's like that first day of a new job feeling every single day.

The other thing I seem to be suffering from is heavy aching weak legs every morning, like everything is an effort ??

Find it hard to understand why I am getting these symptoms when I am not stressed or anxious and then start to wonder what's wrong with me !!!


KatieS x

20-05-06, 10:02
yes im sure there are many of us who can relate to this

have you ever read claire weekes book called self help for your nerves. she describes your lingering symptoms, how they remain and how to get rid of them eventually


20-05-06, 11:45
Yes, I still have symptoms even though I don't feel too bad at the moment - it takes longer for the symptoms to disappear as your body has been through a lot and is still recovering. Claire Weekes bk very good also. Just try not to worry about them as they will go once your body has clamed down.
take care


'This too will pass'

20-05-06, 11:50
hi Katie

I can relate to this so much and i posted about it. It's just the anxiety it will pass can't remember how long i had it for.

I couldn't even eat properly with it and yes i was going to ther loo more often.

Don't worry too much it will go mine did.

linda xx

20-05-06, 12:28
Did any of you have the horrendous aching legs and heaviness of limbs. Its an effort just to walk upstairs !

20-05-06, 15:23
I get aching limbs at night, called restless legs syndrome, its when I'm overtired and I can't seem to settle. I think its just the muscles etc in overdrive as I've been on high alert all day.


'This too will pass'

22-05-06, 13:58
Claire Weekes calls it 'that dreaded morning feeling' and she's absolutely right.

I've been experiencing it periodically for 10 years and it doesn't get any easier. Still aching every morning as if I'd been run over by a large truck during the night or run a marathon in my sleep. The feeling tends to wear off towards the afternoon when I've got my system up and running for the day.