View Full Version : Think I am slowly getting there...

06-10-11, 13:41
Hi all, haven't been too active on here recently because I seem to be doing much better.

This is the second time in my life I have been laid low with anxiety for a sustained period. The first was about 3 years ago and lasted for around 8 months, however, that was a picnic compared to this.

Its been almost 10 months since the anxiety returned and during that time I have had depersonalization/derealization 24/7 for nearly 8 months.

Its been a long hard slog, but gradually I think things are starting to improve, the depersonalization/derealization literally took over my life and I was scared to death of it. Little did I know that by fearing it I was actually prolonging it.

When I first started suffering with dp/dr, it was so bad that I could not even pick up a book to read or concentrate on television, I could not bear to leave the house. It was like being constantly drunk.

Gradually though, the dp/dr has been whittled down to the point where I can go out and socialise with my friends, relax by watching tv, playing on my Xbox etc... and although its still there, its starting to lose its power over me, I am confident that within the next few months it will be completely gone, although if it takes longer then so be it. Theres no point in fretting about it, recovery is a slow process that often isn't linear.

Just wanted to post this for anyone else suffering with anxiety induced dp/dr, its certainly not the end of your life and when I feel down in the dumps I'll ask myself would I rather be seriously ill, or have dp? The answer is I'll take dp every time thankyou!

This article (http://www.anxiety-hub.com/featured/depersonalization-disorder-treatment-tips/) helped me so much and whenever I was in need of something to cheer me up I would refer back to it.

Take care everyone. x


06-10-11, 13:51
thats really good to hear xx

06-10-11, 16:57
Well done...a very positive and encouraging story...may it continue for you.


06-10-11, 21:19
Thank you for sharing this, sounds like you have used a strong willpower to fight this. I genuinely really hope you can continue improving and believe you can get there eventually :-) And it shows there is hope for anyone.
Also thank you for the link, I don't have depersonalisation, and only a little bit of derealisation with my anxiety, but the website in general looks really good.
Keep going!!! :-) x