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View Full Version : Head pressure?!

06-10-11, 14:08
Has anyone else got like a massive pressure kind of feeling in your head? ive had it for a few days now, almost feels like its going to exspode, I wouldnt say its painfull just really uncomfortable. xx

06-10-11, 14:15
Ya I get this a lot some times with a headache.
I believe it's caused by the muscles in the neck and jaw area tensing up, there are also muscles on your head that are connected and they tense up too causing the pressure :)

06-10-11, 14:18
Thanx for your reply, its been really worrying me, i went to the docs she did a few brain tests but said she wasnt worried! I dont really hear anyone mention head pressure on here so i was a bit scared! Thanx so much its so annoying lol. xx

06-10-11, 14:29
Hi Helen

We have 101 threads with head pressure in the title - I just did a search for you.

So it is very common.

06-10-11, 14:57
Really?! Wow thats really helped thanx hun, im quite new so not to sure how to do a search for it, still finding my way around. Thanx thats really made me feel better xx

06-10-11, 14:59
I have that now and then..Mine seems to start back of neck and creeps up and over head, sometimes makes me lightheaded

06-10-11, 15:06
I get it a lot during allergy season, or when my sinuses are acting up. Also when my neck and shoulders are tense (esp when anxious), I can get lots of pressure stretching all the way over into my eyes. Hope that helps! It is very common. Ibuprofin helps mine.

09-10-11, 17:55
I get that in the right side of my head. Actually, I've convinced myself I've the beginnings of temporal arteritis, or alternatively, that I'm going to have a stroke ( I have slightly raised eye pressure, of all things, and strokes run in my family). I also think I've got a couple of other health problems going on. When will this all stop?? I don't even feel particularly tense at the moment (which is probably me being in denial, slightly) but yet all these worries keep popping into my head. It's frustrating and irritating. Does health anxiety never go away...?? And why does this right-sided headache never go away? Just venting now, folks, but if anyone has any ideas, I'd be very grateful. Cheers. I'm off to have a herbal 'relaxing' tea. Better bloody work!

11-10-11, 08:20
Head Pressure: Make sure you do NOT have high powed Wi Fi at home or work or regually use Mobile Phone to your ear and Radio Telephone. My experence was in this area so I turned off my Wi Fi and use cables. It took a few days but I came right so look at your own situation as these strong continuous transmission radio signals can be harmfull.