View Full Version : chest tightness

20-05-06, 10:44
just wondering if anyone suffers constant chest tightness and or pressure...ive had mine since january...and particuly bad since my last big panic attack six weeks ago...had all the heart tests etc but still feel bad as i also get ectopics which the cardiologist i saw confirmed....what is the best way to deal with this...im starting reflexology next week...hope that helps...does anyone know if it is effective for anxiety...thanks!!!!!

22-05-06, 11:08
Just started this wonderful symptom today, feels like elephant is sitting on my chest and and I am conscious of every breath - this is a new one for me - everyday brings new surprises but it is just anxiety and i have to float with it and accept it. Deep relaxing breathing has helped me this morning.
Take care


'This too will pass'

23-05-06, 16:15
hi there

I have had chest pain for a couple of weeks now - not always in the same place but always in the chest wall - feels like I've been punched repeatedly by Mike Tyson!!

Had ecg - all clear of course but the symtoms are very frightening. It is just the tension in all your muscles causing the pain and tightness - try always to remember that and deep breaths.

Good luck x