View Full Version : So tired after a short time out

06-10-11, 18:25
I spent about an hour in town, all I did was pop to our library, and the rest of the day Ive felt so sleepy, you'd think Id had a busy, chaotic day! is this because of the old adrenaline? does your body work on this stuff even when your not particularly anxious?

06-10-11, 18:39
Exactly right. Your mind thinks you've had a busy, chaotic day, because you're anxious. Everything's a threat, and you're constantly on high alert. The messages it sends to your body are exactly the same as if you'd been in constant danger, and running scared. Not only do you get tired, but you get weak. It sucks, but you get through it. You also don't necessarily notice when you're feeling anxious. I've had some great days where I think anxiety is so far away it may as well be years since I recovered. But it creeps in, wherever it can. And its effects hang around for some considerable time.

Two weeks ago, walking to the shop paralysed me with fear and I felt so tired, yet I was afraid to nap. Today, I spent 5 hours at college, and got back exhausted, had a nap, and all is well with the world. Well, almost :)

So you will get there. Just ride it out.

Hope you enjoyed your library trip!

07-10-11, 09:07
Hiya mr jitters...

I cant wait for the tiredness to improve... its so difficult to handle somedays, especially when you have stuff to do. Sounds like you are improving well and thats great! gives me encouragement that I will improve that way too. Yep, enjoyed the library trip thank you :)