View Full Version : anxious lady on the plane in 'bridesmaids' film!!

06-10-11, 21:14
Just remembered something that made me laugh and helps me sometimes...

I was watching Bridesmaids and there's a scene where they're all on a plane. One of the main characters sits next to anxious lady. She keeps going on about how the plane might crash. Then she says "And I hope I don't need a wee on this flight... did you know you can get sucked down airplane toilets when you flush them!" It was so ridiculous and reminded me so much of my worrying that it made me laugh, partly at the film and partly at myself.

Of course there are times when you're just too scared, I'm not saying that trying to see the funny side will cure it. But sometimes if I have a worry, laughing at it seems to make it just a little bit smaller! :roflmao: