View Full Version : Health anxiety/bowel worry who else suffers from it here?

06-10-11, 22:14
Who else suffers from anxiety/bowel/IBS trouble here?

A few questions:

*Do you automatically fear the worst, do you frequently worry or google or do you accept you have IBS?

*Anybody here had some bowel trouble and it's later went away in six months, a year, two ect..?

*Does a healthy diet help you? does anybody eat healthy and still have trouble?

*Do you fear going out anywhere or long distance travelling due to the bowel concerns?

*Do you spend ages in the toilet like 30 mins to one hour sometimes?

*Do you get many good days?

*Do you get GAD/Anxiety panic on a bad bowel day?

*How long have you suffered it? Do you know the cause have you been diagnosed IBS or can you put it down to anxiety? How common is it from all anxiety symptoms?

*If your HA is making the bowels worse did you find it helpful to do relaxation, CBT, and just generally dealing with health anxiety FIRST?


07-10-11, 09:45
Yes to alot of your questions. I have always had sensitive bowels like I need to go to the loo up to 4 times a day and often its a need a loo quick. I have been told that this is good as food does not hang around to cause problems but it does affect my life quite a bit. I have spells where bowels play up but I have finally worked out that it is usually when I have tried to eat too heathily so have to limit my intake of fruit and veg and fibre, I have a definite cut off amount and anything above it makes trouble the next day. I cannot tolerate any nuts or seeds or spicy food. If you have ibs sometimes eating heathily is the worst thing you can do if you are increasing fibre or fruit and veg but then again eating junk food can do the same so any changes to diet need to be slow and steady to see what happens.
I have had a sigmoidoscopy and colonsocopy and gastroscopy over the years so I know that my bowel problems in the ibs category. Remember Ibs just means you have a functional problem not an organic one which is good news but means your bowel does not function normally- its a diagnosis of exclusion. when I had my colonoscopy the Dr said that if I had no polyps then I would not need another colonsocopy for 10 years as it takes 10 yrs for polyps to form and start to turn iffy which was good to know.

09-10-11, 00:52
Thanks for the reply.

Does anybody with IBS also fear being unclean and can your body produce wind without knowing? Just I fear smelling. I have cleaning OCD's which makes this anxiety worse.

09-10-11, 01:36
I accept it's IBS most of the time even though I've not had tests.

My main symptom is this pain, feels like my insides are being twisted, if I get upset or stressed I get the pain, some times it's so intense I need to sit down.

Ive never googled much about IBS.

Well I'm female so due to hormones, it's common for us to suffer from constipation, for a few days, then that changes to diareea. .

If I get anxious about going some where, I get stuck in the bathroom. I'm often late for stuff because my tummy decides to flip out.

Healthy diet. Well fizzy drinks, processed foods, White bread etc can make symptoms worse. My diet is not super healthy but I know if I eat too much of certain foods it makes me worse.

Since my IBS is mostly pain I dont get sudden urges for the bathroom.
I do how ever get worried when I'm going somewhere, leaving the house if I'm done going to the bathroom. As my tummy acts up.

No I don't spend that long. If I can't go I'll just give up and try again when I need to.

Um I've IBS for years now, the worst part being the pain, some times I get trapped wind and that can be crazy painful, I also get a lot of tummy noise when I eat and when I am hungry lol
I also get nausea with this nasty tasting green bile which some times comes up due to my reflux.
Another thing is food seems to digest too slowly, I can eat thenaybe burp hours later bringing up pretty undigested food.

My anxiety triggers my IBS rather than the other way around.

I do find eating White rice, helps me go to the bathroom .

No I don't fear being unclean, not all bacteria is bad, also it is impossible to ever be totally clean. I don't worry about smelling bad, as long as I use deodorant Im good :)