View Full Version : Earache. Looking for a quick reply if possible please

Natalie x
06-10-11, 23:12
Hi. Since last night i have had a slight niggle in my ear so decided to put some almond oil in my ear last night to stop it from getting any worse. My Mum done it for me last night but I have just put some in with cotton wool myself and am jow worried if I have put too much oil on the cotton wool and that it will do something. Can anyone advise please? Thanks x

06-10-11, 23:20
Hiya Natalie,

I wouldn't imagine that almond oil would do you any harm as it's a natural substance. I think the main thing is to make sure you don't keep prodding your ear cos that would make it sore.

Wendy xx

Natalie x
06-10-11, 23:26
Tjanks for your reply. I was a bit eorried thay it would block a passage or something if I put too much on the cotton wool! Hopefully it'll be okay. Thanks again :) x

06-10-11, 23:36
Awww. I imagine if you'd put a lot in it would probably come out of your ear anyway. Hope you feel better soon. xx

06-10-11, 23:40
Natalie, you could fill your ear with oil and it would still be no problem. In fact, for people with blocked ears, thats the recommended treatment - an earful of olive oil until the wax softens.

07-10-11, 00:14
Use olive oil. It will make you death for a bit then you can get the ears syringed. I had mine done last week

07-10-11, 00:31
Its better if you warm the oil up slightly too ..Sue ..x