View Full Version : Associations

20-05-06, 12:42
As some of you will know, I joined this forum last week after having a panic attack, which occured while I was in the shower. Since then I've been feeling a little tense everytime I go for a shower. I know it's not the shower I am frightened of just that it now reminds me of my last panic, which it is only naturally to have an aversion to. As well, just when the water hits me in a certain way I can feel it trigger a memory and a wave of panic which I have to fight down. I really have to concentrate to relax muscles that are suddenly tense and breathe deep, move at a slower pace or I know it will get worse.

I'm not really posting this for advice because I know that each time I go, it will be better and eventually I will forget and go back to having my long warm showers (ahhh, now there is a way to relax!) but more so I can order my thoughts and with the aim that others can read this and know they are experiencing the same thing - though friendly words will be accepted with gratitude).

It is like, after having a couple of panic attacks while I was in a car, I then began to fear travelling. I thought it was the feeling of being restricted in a seat but it was just an association and once I had been on a three hour drive with my mum to visit my sister I got over it because I was forced to relax - I had no choice. You have to prove to yourself you can still do these things and thats why, no matter how bad you feel, you should never let your anxiety stop you living your life.

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It's just my high anxiety getting to the best of me. I call him Bingbongilypoop. Then I can laugh at him cos he has a funny name. HAHA! [points]

marie ross
20-05-06, 13:26
Hi MrMonkey

I can relate to all of that, i had my first panic attack in over a year washingup, now whenever i stand at that sink i get that sinking feeling (sinking!!!! sorry about that), but i'm not going to let it get to me and when i start to worry and think back to the time the panic attack came i just tell myself it's not going to hurt me and it passes. Although it would be nice if someone else was stood at that sink washing up instead of me!!!!!

Take care.

Marie XXX

20-05-06, 13:37
hi i too have this problem with showers..as soon as the water hits me my heart races chest goes tight and i need to get out as quick as possible in case i collapse or something...i felt this way this morning so had a bath instead...i know its my own thoughts though because i actually got over this for a few weeks but since my anxiety is high again the feelings come flooding back..i also think the enclosed space of a shower doesnt help the panic feelings..for me anyway..

20-05-06, 13:48
Yes it can be a bit disorientating when you feel "off balance" too, and I can understand how you feel, whenwillthisend. Maybe next time you start to feel good you could reassure yourself each time you have a shower and feel ok to affirm in your mind the positive experience. You may find it makes it a bit easier next time you feel down.

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It's just my high anxiety getting to the best of me. I call him Bingbongilypoop. Then I can laugh at him cos he has a funny name. HAHA! [points]

20-05-06, 15:41
Hi Mr.

Yes I can totally relate to this shower thing and also the bath. Mine also triggers memories. I too know that the only way to beat the damn beast is to just keep doing it. But it is tough at times I have to say. But we have to slog on don't we.

Thank you for that post. I thought I was the only one with the shower thing.

Take care.

Take care,
