View Full Version : New person :)

06-10-11, 23:38
Hey people I am new to this and don't really know what to say but I hope I can help and some people can help me. I have bad social anxiety and anxiety in general if anyone can help with advice that would be great.
Thanks x

06-10-11, 23:41
Hi BeautifulNature

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

07-10-11, 23:08
Hello,I'm a newbie too! Just looking for someone to chat to and to basically make friends,something I'm not very good at! How are you doing?

Vanilla Sky
07-10-11, 23:22
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Paige x

08-10-11, 16:06
I am not doing too well to be honest my anxiety is taking over my life although I have got counselling just now...how are u? xx

Thanks Paige :) how are u? xx

08-10-11, 23:45
welcome to nmp nature tell us more about your anxiety

09-10-11, 09:22
I have social anxiety being in large groups and meeting new people i get very uptight. I also even get panicky about being on my own outside. I have never met anyone else with the same problems as me so would like to know if anyone else suffers :).
How are u terror-X? x