View Full Version : Fungal Infection in inside of thigh and groin.

07-10-11, 01:13
Well went to my doctor this morning was a huge red rash and said it was a fungal skin infection (which i think is ringworm?) he gave me some trimovate to clear it up.

How long does this thing normally take to clear up? because it's really sore :(... i have felt dwon in the dumps for 5 month's now always seems to be something else happening with my body.

07-10-11, 01:33
There is no answer - could be days, could be a few weeks.

We have no way of knowing to be honest

07-10-11, 01:36

Did your doctor say it was ringworm, as he hasn't given you the most appropriate cream if it is. The cream you have is part steroid and part anti-fungal (antifungal is what you need for the ringworm) but the best meds for fungal infections are:

terbinafine (Lamasil cream which you can get in chemists)
ketoconazole (Daktarin cream, again in chemists)

You may find that the steroid doesn't help at all as it usually makes fungal infections worse rather than better. That is why I wonder if your doctor wasn't sure and is hedging his bets.

Ringworm usually comes in patches, is generally speaking kind of circular (though not always) and has a red edge to it and normal looking skin in the middle. The steroid creams are usually given for skin inflammation with infection involved usually for things like eczema/dermatitis.

I have been battling with ringworm myself for the past 3 months or so, and IT IS a battle I'm afraid, that is why I am worried that your doc may not be clear about what he is treating and what you have, as with ringworm it is CRUCIAL that you put the right stuff on it.

If it is ringworm, the meds I listed are the best, especially ketoconazole and terbinafine. You have to apply them at least twice a day and absolutely strictly, as the fungus is a stubborn bugger.

Maybe your doc prescribed that cream as it is sore and probably inflamed, hence the steroid in the cream, but it won't help the fungus hun, so just keep an eye on how things go.

Ringworm is tricky and could take some weeks to knock on the head i'm afraid. I am currently taking oral anti fungal drugs and also applying the cream as the cream alone was getting me nowhere.

If you don't see any even slight improvement or joy from the cream they have prescribed after a week or so, I would go back again to your doctor.

Good luck.x:hugs:

07-10-11, 02:33
Thank's for the reply's yeah it seems like it's a battle it's really sore i'll keep an eye on it.

Hopefully it will start to improve within the next few day's, if not i'll have a pop back to the doctor's.

Cheer's for the reply's :)

07-10-11, 09:37
Just wanted to add don't panic if it really really hangs on! My son had this last year (started in the groin on cub camp and then cleared from there but migrated to thigh) and it went on for about nine months in all! It would clear with the cream, we'd continue for the prescribed course then stop and within a week or so it would return. Eventually, with the use of Boots anti-fungal powder which I kept up for a couple of months after symptoms were gone, it's finally defeated!

01-02-12, 19:21
Well went to my doctor this morning was a huge red rash and said it was a fungal skin infection (which i think is ringworm?) he gave me some trimovate to clear it up.

How long does this thing normally take to clear up? because it's really sore :(... i have felt dwon in the dumps for 5 month's now always seems to be something else happening with my body.

I don't know but I used a natural cream by mama nature called salveation. it was so good I bought another couple of jars. The best rash cream i have EVER used. I cant use steroid creams long term as they irritate my skin.