View Full Version : Is this the answer to curing Anxiety/ Agoraphobia

07-10-11, 07:04

Could this thread be the answer I was lying in bed thinking about this and maybe it is.

If when we get anxious it makes the fluid in the ears shake like the arms and legs then could taking a motion sickness tablet be the answer.

Most people feel dizzy when they are anxious and when you have agoraphobia as soon as you get into the situation that makes you panic you feel dizzy and lightheaded if you could keep the fluid balanced would this take be enough to bring the anxiety under control.

My two examples are I get anxious when I sit on a bus and it stops I panic until it moves and when I sit in a chair I feel like I will fall so if I could stop the fluid moving maybe I would not associate the situation with panic and overcome it.

Do you think this simple soultion could work?

It isn't going to stop the other symptoms but solving one could ease the other.

You views are welcome

paula lynne
07-10-11, 09:57
Hi, several people have said taking anti-sickness tabs work a treat. I used them for a short time when my vertigo was bad. If people want to try it, I think they should see their GP if they already take other meds, to check for contraindications of interaction.

I can say they took the edge off the vertigo, but maybe that was psychosomatic. I stopped taking them as I was already taking other meds for BP and Cholesterol and didnt want to take yet another tablet.

Are you going to personally try it?
Paula x

07-10-11, 17:53
I have a temp at moment and shivers so cant try it yet until this goes.

08-10-11, 01:16
If you do decide to try taking them Please keep us posted because it would be interesting to see if it really helps you. I have a lot of dizzy/off balance feelings that I think are caused by my TMJ issues. Thanks for posting this xx

08-10-11, 10:37
If you do decide to try taking them Please keep us posted because it would be interesting to see if it really helps you. I have a lot of dizzy/off balance feelings that I think are caused by my TMJ issues. Thanks for posting this xx

Dizzyness from TMD? Interesting - I have this and have off balance feelings when I wake up. I will have to investigate this for myself now. Thank you!

10-11-11, 12:40

I just wondered if anyone had tried this and how they were getting on?

