View Full Version : Anybody know a good book?

20-05-06, 13:46
Hi All
Was just wondering if anybody knows of any useful books to help with general anxiety and panic attacks? Iv been looking at an instant confidence book & cd by paul mckenna as i think a lack of confidence is where my problems started but I dont know whether its better to deal with the root cause of my problems or to try to get rid of the panic & anxiety (hope that makes sense!)
Any suggestions would be much appreciated as i dont want to waste money on useless books & there is so many out there!
Suzy xx:)

20-05-06, 14:11
im sure uve heard of claire weekes! thats proberbly your best option. Maybe also try not to dwell on the root problem, your here and now, not then and there! Today is your only worry {if you chose to worry about it!} Start getting rid of panic/anxiety by just distracting your selve, fill every minute of the day {im speaking charles lindens ways here!} the more you dwell on the anxiety, the more its gonna creap up and make itself stay. the less you think of it and the less you arrange your life around it, the less the anxiety will creep. sing,dance,doodle...Anything!
Theres no miracle cure for this, ive learned this the ard way, the more ppl told me there wasnt one, the more oi went out and bought more books,cd's, anything that would prove to them i could find that cure! the truth is, your incharge and you hold the cure! ppl out there only have one panic attack or experience a little anxiety once in their lives, then they brush it off, think of it as a cold or something, and never get it again! thats because they didnt think too much into it. we did. we asked what? why? if... etc. but we can stop that! get a hobby, keep busy and try to distract yourself from mr mean anxiety!
I know you only asked about a book lol sorry ive blabbed on!
Becci x

20-05-06, 14:13
Take a look here for our recommended reading

Reading for sufferers of Panic Attacks, Anxiety, Phobias and OCD. (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/NMPcms.php?nmppage=reading)


20-05-06, 14:14
Take a look at the Claire Weeks books on nerves.

They have helped me a great deal when I need reassurance at my low points.

I am a believer in tackling the root cause of what makes us anxious and to offload your baggage over time.

Take care.


And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

20-05-06, 15:20
Definitely Claire Weekes, Self help for Your nerves, helped me a lot


'This too will pass'

20-05-06, 16:07
hi there yeah i agree ive bought loads of books on how to deal with anxiety and panic attacks but the best are by claire weeks....both self help for your nerves and the one im reading at the min...Essential help for your nerves..which is quite a thick book but really good and covers everything!!

22-05-06, 13:54
Claire Weekes's books are the bible of many anxious people - Selp Help for Your nerves and its two subsequent publications More Help for Your Nerves and Peace from Nervous Suffering.

You might also try Shirley Trickett's book on panic attacks, and Dinah Bradley's book on hyperventilation - both very useful, informative and providing tips on how to cope with the symptoms (can't remember the exact titles but tap their names into a goole search and you'll soon see the titles I'm referring to).

Dosing oneself with drugs is only a palliative - there is no better way to deal with this illness than to educate oneself. Be wary of some of the stuff on the internet though - stick to the books quoted above. Much more common sense and reliable!