View Full Version : How to Handel doctor

07-10-11, 09:42
Hi guys. Got a appointment today with doc and wondered if anyone had any tips for me on how to be taken seriously. Always feel like a proper muppet speaking about my anxiety. Do I have the right to demand help.



07-10-11, 10:04
I have messaged you anyway but I think you need to write down what you want to say before you go in so you don't get muddled and forget things when there.

And if it's the same Dr that always makes you feel like this, ask to see someone different next time. A fresh pair of eyes looking at a situation can make all the difference. Good Luck. x

07-10-11, 10:07
Thanks that not a bad idea. Better go and sharpen my pencil.

Paul x

07-10-11, 12:56
I've lucked out really well at my uni and have a GP that put the effort into hearing my entire life story in order to "get me". She said she didn't have the answers yet but knew the right questions, even antidepressants were taken off the table when she believed their more recent effect of triggering manic behaviour. GP's of the past have not even heard me say "anxiety" and only diagnosed depression which my anxiety, not to mention my life long obsessive behaviour I always overlooked being much more dangerous.

I've had a few GPs due to moving a lot, I was terrified of one of them so wrote down on bullet points everything I was feeling and nervously gave it to him. He wanted to prescribe me citalpram but since that was the first AD to trigger bad side effects I refused and he gave me a tricyclic instead of an SSRI, unfortunately this eventually let a lot of negative thoughts and ideas into my head, being afraid of them taking over I stopped it and the bad stuff went away and I was able to hold onto reality. My counsellor at the time said I did the right thing.

It's hard to find a GP that you trust or is willing to put the effort into you. I feel very grateful, my GP trusted me with valium temporarily despite knowing my history of abuse of different drugs and self destruction. It took time for that trust to develop but it was worth it, hopefully I will keep her for the at least 4 years I am hopefully staying in this town.

Also is there a possibility of taking someone with you to an appointment? I've had far away friends saying they wished they could offer if they were closer. It's a lot easier to talk on someone elses behalf than for yourself.