View Full Version : Such a horrible fear

07-10-11, 10:53
Hi, My name is David from Fife, I suffer from depression and extreme anxiety for which I'm on Citalopram for. I'm 28 and still live with my parents. My fear is about losing loved ones(I know it is normal but this is taking over my life!). I worry so much that my mum(pretty much the only one I talk to) will get ill and die. It is a crippling fear that is taking over my life. I'm not able to eat, sleep, look after myself. I even think that if it happened I couldn't cope with things and would end my life!. I had one other person who I told everything to - my girlfriend at the time. But she broke up with me and wants to move on. She said she is always there for me but I can't put her through this, not when she has her own life to live. It's so hard at the moment I just want to be strong. I'm one of those people that has very low confidence and turns into a gibbering wreck when they hear bad news. I DON'T WANT THIS. I don't really have anyone else to turn too and its eating me up inside, I'm so lonely. Can anyone help?

I really appreciate people reading this.:)

07-10-11, 16:14
Hi Disco, so sorry you are feeling this way, i know you have spoke to your mum and x girlfriend, but you need to talk to your gp and ask for some proffesional help, how long have you been taking citalopram ? i too take them and although they can take a while to kick in, they do work and should make you feel a lot less anxious, you are only 28 and have your whole life in front of you, i know how you feel, but things will get better for you, and all these irrational fears will get less and less if you get the right help, last year at this time i could;nt function at all or get out of bed, i thought i would never recover, but i have, with the help of my gp, and my phsc, and also the right medication i a m now almost back to normal, enjoying life again, i hope this helps, but please seek the help you need, and keep talking to the people who care xxx :hugs:

william wallace
08-10-11, 16:49
Hi David.
It's horrible being anxious and depressed, and dont we all know it. Hope you're having a better day today. Smile!! it's Saturday:)

08-10-11, 16:55
Hi Disco, ive got exactly the same fears as you especially over my mum but think this has increased due to the side effects of cit that i started taking just under 4 wks ago and im gradually upping my dose!! Its a horrible fear but apparantly totally normal when u r in a highly anxious state.
Nicola xx

---------- Post added at 16:55 ---------- Previous post was at 16:53 ----------

plus i also can't eat!! lost over stone and half but again think thats the cit!!! if one more person says how much weight ive lost then ill scream!!!!!!!!!!

10-10-11, 21:53
Hi Disco, ive got exactly the same fears as you especially over my mum but think this has increased due to the side effects of cit that i started taking just under 4 wks ago and im gradually upping my dose!! Its a horrible fear but apparantly totally normal when u r in a highly anxious state.
Nicola xx

---------- Post added at 16:55 ---------- Previous post was at 16:53 ----------

plus i also can't eat!! lost over stone and half but again think thats the cit!!! if one more person says how much weight ive lost then ill scream!!!!!!!!!!
This fear is taking over me!, I hardly eat(which really worrys me), get about 2 hours of sleep a night(usually wake up in a blind panic and run through to my mums room to see if she is alive), it's HELL!. I'm on citalopram, was on 20 now moving up to 40mg but I can't keep living my life like this, its not worth it!. I just wish I had people to talk to :weep:

eternally optimistic
10-10-11, 22:12

I am sure if you stick with your meds that you will see some improvement with your "mind set".

It is horrible not feeling in control of your thoughts and feelings and just makes everything feel so much more worse.

Now you are on this site, I am sure you will find more and more people with very similar experiences as yourself.

PLEASE dont give yourself a hard time for what is happening to you at the moment, there is hope and things can and will subside for you.

Do you know whether you can get any counselling to help you, have you thought about that?

Best wishes and stay strong.