View Full Version : will i die

07-10-11, 11:40
Hi just a quick one this morning ...

can anxiety really make you believe that you are about to die any second because i every second of every day actually feel as though i am going to pop my cloggs my hearts just going to stop and that will be that... i always feel quiet down and always as though im ill ... to feel normal again would be a blessing does anyone else feel like this and is this really just anxiety :( xxxx hope ur all okay on this very dull morning

07-10-11, 13:01
Hey lourah1989, I'd like to reassure you that I, too, felt like this for a very long time, and it was down to anxiety. I was convinced every second of every day would be my last. I used to routinely clear the way into my bedroom should paramedics need to come in in the night, and if I had to go anywhere or sit in a public place, I'd sit by the door and clutch my ID card and mobile phone in my hand. Obsessive thoughts are explained by Dr. Claire Weekes as the workings of an over-tired mind, which is caused by anxiety. I still feel this way on bad days, but it gets better.

I hope you feel better soon! :)

07-10-11, 13:03
Hey, I get this especially today as im having a really anxious and panicky day :weep: Im also petrified of dying and my loved ones dying, its an awfull feeling, r u taking any meds? ive been taking citalopram for 3 weeks now which due to the lovely side effects has heightened my anxiety thro the roof :weep: Its all due to our anxiety, we just literally blow things out of proportion when we're feeling like this!! its horrible.
Nicola xx

07-10-11, 13:31
hi i think this is a feeling most of us suffer from,i was worried id just die and a worry of leaving my girls,go back to your doctors let them know how you feel theymight give you something else to help:)

07-10-11, 15:00
Thanks for the support guys its such a shit place to be in i hate it so much every day i convince my self im going to die or feel like i am at least i hate it i wish i was a diffrent person iv had this for a year now and its slowly wearing me down and i was on sertraline but the side affects was to much for me to handle i just couldnt hack it :( iv tryed others which have the same effect unfortunatly xxx

07-10-11, 16:47
if anxiety killed you there be no one on this site we would all be dead
it cant kill you dont worry
god bless

07-10-11, 19:56
2 years ago I was absolutely dreadful, full of anxiety, horrid panic attacks and I really believed I was dying. It has been a long hard struggle to get to where I am today, and I am no means back to where I was before this anxiety started...BUT....I am certainly and definitely on my way. Yes I still get off days, and blips, and down moments, but now I cope, now I know its my anxiety talking and frightening me, not a heart attack or a brain tumour. This site helped me immensely and saw me through a lot of dark days. Reading other posts with similar problems made me feel so much less alone with this anxiety. Stay strong, believe in yourself, things will get better.

07-10-11, 20:31
Before I started meds I used to think I would die in my sleep-Id look at my kids for ages before getting into bed thinking it was the last time. I cant tell you how many times Ive thought Im having a heart attack-but as we all know its the anxiety talking-as London says we d all be dead if anxiety killed ! we,re all gonna die someday but if you lived to 90 you would have wasted all that time worrying about dying x

Hazel B
07-10-11, 20:59
Yup, I was planning my own funeral at one point. It's awful. Make sure you get all help and support you can from your GP, family and friends.

07-10-11, 21:07
Thank you for this thread. It's incredibly reassuring to hear others go through this, even for long periods of time, and they were still okay.

07-10-11, 21:34
Yup, I was planning my own funeral at one point. It's awful. Make sure you get all help and support you can from your GP, family and friends.

can't tell you how re-assuring it was to read that as I have been here myself :hugs:

07-10-11, 21:44
I felt like this for a very long time too , but what kept me going was thinking of the possitives. No matter how small - "I made a cup of tea this morning" , thats a possitive, why? Because you are doing something for yourself... you didn't NOT make yourself something you did you made yourself do something. Its little an often and thinking possitively that keeps me going =) xxxx

07-10-11, 22:36
It does feel obsessive, I worry about how obsessive my thoughts of death/serious illness are as well!! I sometimes think I will go to sleep and not ever wake up again. And I go round with my phone ready to call 999 or something.

Thank you so much Lourah1989 for saying this out loud because it's something I feel but don't want to admit. And thanks everyone else it is so reassuring to know that other people feel like this. And this idea that anxiety can't kill is a good one to try and remember, thanks London!

I have gradually been spending a tiny bit less time feeling like this each week, as I work on my anxiety. I promise it will get better for you. I guess you just have to try and remember, each day you are convinced you will die but yet you survive each day in spite of this. So isn't that evidence that you're safe? Mind you I struggle to believe this myelf :-D

08-10-11, 01:13
I also have to thank you for posting these feelings because I have felt this way for sometime now and always thought I was the only one..we will get through this as long as we try our best to get better and never give up hope. For me, the feelings and fear of constant death have become such a problem that I started CBT and upped my meds to a more therapeutic dosage (I've always been afraid of taking antidepressants)! I hope to see brighter days ahead... Xx

08-10-11, 07:56
Its such a huge relief to know I'm not the only one with these irrational thoughts!! Being able to talk to people on here about these feelings I hope will be a big step on the long road ahead to getting through this :)

08-10-11, 11:35
thanks to you all it has reassured me so much and london ur right no 1 would be on this site if anxiety killed us lol true and even made me laugh ! i hope i get through this and you all do to in the end ! im goin to work hard xxx thanks again guys ur all stars