View Full Version : getting scared again!!!!

20-05-06, 15:21
Well i just woke up from a 14 hour sleep missed dinner and everything last night after work!I was falling asleep at the wheel driving home from work and layed down on the couch from work and sleept the hole night this is scaring me bad always sleepy even when iam getting 8 hours asleep a night iam still having bad bowell problems nausea hands going numb while sleeping i had a 24 hour sleep study done!And all they said is that iam not getting enuff sleep when they did the test i dont have sleep apnea and right after waking i had to run to the bathroom this really sucks having to do this every time you wake up i have rapid transit my food just goes right threw me having to deal with that is bad enuff but now this new symptom is getting me always sleepy i keep thinking iam going to get worse are going to die are this is somthing bad and my doctors have over looked i have been working with my shrink now for three months i have another app this monday but for some reason i dont think its helping me and i have another app. with my gi doctor on the 7th of next month i need to get this out of my head i am always thinking my liver is bad and it doing this to me because i have all the symtoms of liver problems but i know all other deases have the same symptoms can some one help me with this crazy thinking and help me from not beeing sooo scared...I have to drink coffee just so i dont sleep all the time other wise i will sleep all day and all night this just sucks i dont want to spend my time sleeping all the time

20-05-06, 18:40
Stress and anxiety can make you really sleepy, plus if your food is going straight through you you are not going to have much energy either. Talk through your fears with your doctor and tell them about what you have been reading so that they can put your mind at rest. Coffee is also not too good for the tummy, I know you want the caffeine but its not being kind to your system. If you're also waking up through the night that is going to make you tired too. Keep on talking it through with your doctor until you get some answers and peace of mind.
You're in my thoughts and prayers
Take care


'This too will pass'