View Full Version : Panic Attacks

07-10-11, 18:49
Hello everyone,
Well i wanted to describe what happened last night, i went to bed fine then in the middle of the night i suddenly felt like i was running out of breath (not overbreathing) but kinda underbreathing like my heart is really heavy and about to stop!?! I got really hot/shaky/nauseus and rang devon docs just to be told its anxiety bla bla. So i took a diazepam and went back to bed, all night i kept going to nodd off then had a dizzy feeling which jolted me awake. Does this sound normal? today i feel very wheezy and im worried its something else i feel like im on the edge of another one. any advice or reasurence would be greatly appreciated xxx

07-10-11, 22:00
Have you been diagnosed with anxiety and/or panic attacks before? If not then you may want to get a quick check up by your GP just to make sure all is well. These do sound like classic panic symptoms and I've experience them before also. If you're really concerned or the feelings won't go away then a visit to the doctor will give you the reassurance you need. I hope you feel better soon xx

07-10-11, 22:50
Hey Helen,
I get these symptoms regularly too - the 'running out of breath' feeling (I don't hyperventilate) and the heavy thumping heart thing. Then you just feel all weird and like something is really wrong?! I get jolted awake too, but by a wave of chest pressure rather than dizzy feelings. Not fun is it!
I agree with luv2teach, I would run your symptoms by a doctor so they can examine you/perhaps do any tests they think are necessary to rule out a real cause. If you haven't seen a doctor already. You need a proper diagnosis, although your case does sound very likely to be panic/anxiety.
Often when I'm panicking/feeling really ill I think to myself what are my options - do I feel like I'm actually urgently ill and need to ring 999 (I have only actually done this once, before I was diagnosed with panic attacks. Usually the thought of ringing 999 makes me think no I can hold on it's not that bad). Or do I feel like I can wait and see what happens, if it's still bad in a couple of days I'll make a GP appointment. Or if it fades away then that's evidence that it was panic rather than something life-threatening.
Hope that helps and you start feeling a bit better - you will :-) xxx

08-10-11, 14:57
Thanx for the reply guys. Well ive had some brain tests done and she promised me she didnt see any concern so that put my mind at rest, but i havnt had anything else. I feel very weak alot of the time, and yep just as u described not hyperventilating but heavy breathing. xxx

08-10-11, 15:03
I had that dizzy feeling which kept jolting me awake the other night, it is a really awful feeling, it sometimes felt like i was sinking into the bed if that makes any sense lol

09-10-11, 13:05
Hello everyone,
Well i wanted to describe what happened last night, i went to bed fine then in the middle of the night i suddenly felt like i was running out of breath (not overbreathing) but kinda underbreathing like my heart is really heavy and about to stop!?! I got really hot/shaky/nauseus and rang devon docs just to be told its anxiety bla bla. So i took a diazepam and went back to bed, all night i kept going to nodd off then had a dizzy feeling which jolted me awake. Does this sound normal? today i feel very wheezy and im worried its something else i feel like im on the edge of another one. any advice or reasurence would be greatly appreciated xxx

This exact thing went on all night last night for me. The dizzy feeling was just as I dozed off and was sort of dizzy/falling off something, combined with the old "help I'm going to die" panic. Relieved it seems a not unusual symptom - think I will see if I can have a kip now.:unsure:

09-10-11, 13:09
Ask yourself "What's so bad about dying?" I see at an exit to a stressed up miserable superficial life, don't fear it, welcome it when it comes..

09-10-11, 13:11
Ask yourself "What's so bad about dying?" I see at an exit to a stressed up miserable superficial life, don't fear it, welcome it when it comes..

A reasonable point, but who would cook my wife's meals. :doh:

09-10-11, 13:14
A reasonable point, but who would cook my wife's meals. :doh:

You have meals on wheels for that :roflmao: