View Full Version : panic

20-05-06, 19:37
Well - so much for all the advice I give out to others on this site. I went shopping with hubby today and was fine in allt he shops but went in huge B and Q megastore and couldnt face the escalator down to the basement or the escalator upstiars in M and S - total jelly legs and anxiety and had to stay on floor we came in to the shop on. My hubby was brill but hes worried coz its not normal! what a prat I felt - I was fine when I stayed near an exit and feel stupid now!
Wenjoy x

marie ross
20-05-06, 20:57
Hi Wenjoy,

Don't feel stupid, i'm exactly the same, fine if i'm in shops with my partner, but if i have to go up an escalator or down one, noooooooooooooo way!!!!!! I'm always running around looking for the stairs and exits, just looking down or up one of them things sends my legs to jelly as well. It's good that you've managed to even get into one of those megastores, even the car-park scares me!!! Well done.

Take care

Marie XXX

20-05-06, 22:38
dont feel silly...im exactly the same ..tell him its normal for us lot lol..well done for even trying more than i can do at mo xxxxxxxx

jools xx

20-05-06, 22:45
hi again wendy its desi.....nobody thinks you are a prat we all have those days where some are worse than others. On a different day you would probably not give the same situation a second thought. Hey I told you I was going to try and go for a little drive yesterday and I did okay it was only 15 mins or less to the local shops and only probably 60 seconds on the highway but hey I got out of the bloody driveway. oops can you say bloody we use it all the time here anyway still going to work on it. goodluck to you will keep in touch. desi

21-05-06, 07:28
Hi Wenjoy - don't feel stupid, a lot of us feel this way in shops. There is a big 3 storey Boots in my town and I need to get to the top floor to buy some baby stuff (my sisters due in a week or so), I manage to get to the bottom of the escalator and thats it I can go no further!!
Love Helen

21-05-06, 07:52
Thanks for your comments - its weird but if it was a staircase rather than an escalator then i think I would be ok coz I would just head for the same staircase to leave the shop if it got desperate but these bloody escalators - you dont know where the down one is and then it takes forever to get downstairs as it moves soooo slowly!!!!
Well done Desi for getting int he car and driving - Im soo proud of you .....
Keep on at it and I will too !!
Got the Hypno - first appt tomorrow - really scared but hoping they can teach me relaxation technique to help me overcome panic - will let you all know x Wenjoy