View Full Version : Salt and Anxiety?

20-05-06, 20:47

I have given up all stimulants and refined sugar, white flour. I do feel better, but I was reading that Salt is also bad for anxiety?

My blood pressure is almost too low, so I do not have to worry salt raising it. I wonder if the no salt thing, is referring to people with High blood pressure?


20-05-06, 21:15
I haven't heard about a link between anxiety and salt before to be honest.

I have to avoid it as I have high blood pressure.


marie ross
20-05-06, 22:16

I have to avoid salt also, because of high blood pressure, but i never use it for cooking anyway. My kids have been brought up on no salt and my partner (much to his disgust!!!)

Marie XXX

21-05-06, 07:30
Hello - I avoid salt too, not bacause of anxiety though, but because too much isn't good for anyone. My husband sounds like yours Marie, once the food is ready he smothers it in salt!! He can even tell if I haven't put salt in the potato water!!!
Love Helen