View Full Version : I think the lump behind my ear has gotten a bit bigger? Or is it just me?

08-10-11, 15:00
Last night and this morning, I had wet stool probably because I ate something bad yesterday. Just trying to ignore it.

Felt okay throughout the rest of the day.

However, after staying calm, I stupidly decided to FEEL this lump behind my ear again (which I had for almost 5 years now or even longer) and I REALLY THINK that it has gotten a bit bigger?

I really don't know the size of it. I think it's slightly larger than a marble? Probably about 1 cm or a little larger than that? It is non painful, a bit firm, a little tender, and has a rubbery consistency?

God, now I am panicking because I know my indigestion will return again because I am worrying too much again because of this lump.

My last blood test was about 6 months ago. All normal. I feel okay. No major night sweats, fatigue, fever, chills, etc.

I just can't stop thinking and poking!

---------- Post added at 14:00 ---------- Previous post was at 13:38 ----------

Okay so I just poked yet again. Now I think it hasn't gotten any bigger. Oh god. What is happening to me. I am going insane.

I have finally decided not to study for my final examinations next week. I guess I'm gonna spend the rest of the weekend worrying. Oh god...

08-10-11, 15:01

It sounds like it could be something like a cyst to me. You say it is non-painful but also tender?? So it has some soreness to it when you touch it? If so, this is not consistent with anything more serious hun. Supicious lumps are normally painless, and are usually quite solid (not rubbery) and don't move about with the skin.

The fact it has been for there for 5 years now without any impact on you is also encouraging that it is nothing serious.

My ex has had a similar lump on his spine which he has had ages, and his doctor said it is a lump of tissue which can be removed.

The other thing is that your bloods were normal. If anything serious was going on they would probably have been a bit 'off'.

Have you see your GP about it? It is worth getting it reveiwed as it may be easy to sort out.

5 years is a long time, your health hasn't deteriorated, so do try to be comforted by that fact.


08-10-11, 15:46
Thank you for the kind words, debs.

The lump is actually not sore :( Well, it was sore for three days and that was a month ago, I think. That was the first time that it became sore for a long time.

Actually, if I remember correctly, I had some "off" stuff in my blood tests. There was I think one or two categories that was a wee bit off than the normal, but the numbers were ridiculously small. To illustrate, for example the normal range is 100-150, my reading was probably around 151. The doctor didn't mind it though.

I don't have the classic symptoms of you-know-what. I just can't help feel this way :weep:

08-10-11, 18:54
It does sound like a cyst, I had one just above my ear on the temple, it was there for ages and there was no pain, it got bigger and started to hurt,being tough I didn't bother about it for a few weeks:whistles:

It started to get much bigger and hurt a lot when lying on it in bed! phoned the triage nurse at the surgery and said I was a little worried what it was:scared15:

Saw the doctor same day to be told it was a sabacious (sp?) cyst and he would lance it later after trying some tablets first, it popped itself a few days later and I'm fine now.

You will be the same so no need to worry:hugs:


09-10-11, 09:52
Thanks, bruno.

It rarely (and I mean RARELY) hurts.

My rational self is saying that it is just a shotty node -- a lymph node that has been permanently swollen. I know I have all the reassurance in the world but my HA self is thinking otherwise.

There are times when I touch it, it feels bigger but then again when I touch it for another time, it feels that it's smaller. Crazy!

I realized that I'm better off not poking it because it will only set me off. The problem is, I can't stop poking! :weep:

09-10-11, 19:00
Hello sky, I know exactly what you mean, can't leave it alone because its there! mine was just the size of a pea for a long time, always feeling it, didn't hurt, got into the habit of just a little feel and couldn't stop..was doing it without thinking, if you haven't seen the doc yet I think it would be a good idea to go and have it looked at and you'll be told its a cyst, I didn't bother but always wondered what it was and suppose had me worried inside, I'm always reluctant to go to the doc...has to be something which is causing me a problem and/or too much pain.

You're not going to believe this but I've just had a feel at the place where it was...there's a small lump there:huh:

I can't see it of course, couldn't before..till it got bigger! I've a funny feeling its coming back now, Oh heck!!!


11-10-11, 04:26
Thanks again, bruno.

Is is really a reassurance that this has been in my body for at least 5 years already yet nothing serious has happened?

I just woke up today and I poked it again. Man, I can't stop. I can't go to the doctor yet, I still have to curb up my financial resources :(

27-10-11, 05:34
I just noticed that the lump is rather "hard" yet I can move it underneath my skin if I use two fingers. I also feel physically fine. Whenever I touch it I tend to think "I think it's gotten bigger!" then after another poke I'd say "Oh wait, I think not" then if I do another, I'd go "I really think it's gotten bigger!" and so on and so forth.

Omg what is wrong with me?

27-10-11, 19:28
I have the same problem sky, i left my lump for 5 years and it did get bigger eventually i made myself got o see the doc and had an op, turns out i have more smaller lumps but i can assure you it is a simple operation to have them removed. Four hours in hospital then its sorted , My body seems to get these lumps it has become a part of life for me now. I am a worrier as well and it is hard to ignore htem when you have them, so my advice is to ask to have it removed or if you dont feel comfy with that then try and occupy your mind, i find going to the gym is best or any form of exercise. Hope this helps :)

18-12-11, 03:13
Thanks Jax.

Sorry I left the thread unknowingly.

I just noticed this morning that my lump has gotten bigger and is sore to touch. :weep: What's happening to me?

18-12-11, 03:19
Where is the lump, sky? Can you mark it on a pic? Is it directly behind the ear next to the cartilage? If yes then it is very likely a cyst. I also had this I wanted to get it cut out but then it disappeared. Have you ever shown the lump to a doctor if not you should do that simply to calm down. Show it to a GP, intern or dermatologist.

18-12-11, 03:27
Hi alecc,

I think it is next to the cartilage.

I've shown this to an ENT specialist 6 weeks ago and he said that he was sure it's a swollen lymph node. During that time, it didn't hurt. It was just this morning that it has become sore :(

The ENT didn't really looked concerned. He just brushed it off as a swollen gland (shotty node). :(

18-12-11, 03:43
It probably hurts because you're spending so much time thinking about it and touching it! I have one too, it's pretty big and located just behind my left ear lobe. I've had it for years and years. I'm absolutely sure it's nothing!

18-12-11, 05:43
Thanks Janinel.

Isn't it more reassuring that the lump is painful to touch than it is not?

I'm going out of my mind. :weep:

19-12-11, 05:26
The pain is decreasing. I still have no idea if there's any changes in the size. :(

22-12-11, 04:11
@ skyisblue

Did he do any blood tests? Usually when you have swollen lymphnode for no real reason you'd do a blood test to see if there are infections or something else. I would get a blood test and also go show it to an intern or dermatologist. It could very well be a cyst. If you're really worried and cannot get an appointment before the holidays go to the ER. This is better than worrying all the time.

22-12-11, 06:53
If it's painful, then it's probably just a lymph node fighting off an infection (doing its job!). Sometimes they take a while to go back to normal size, and sometimes they don't ever shrink all the way (a shotty node, like you said). And they swell up if you bother them too much! I have one on the back of my neck. If I get even a pimple or two in that area, it swells up, but sometimes I can still feel it even after it shrinks. I've gotten really anxious about it, worrying that it could be the c-word (I think most of us worry about that), but then I try to remind myself that it's been there for years and it does get smaller sometimes. I don't think the c-word does that. I had it checked about 5 years ago and the doctor told me it was definitely a lymph node. I do still worry about it sometimes, but I think that if it was serious, it would definitely have caused more problems by now! I really think you're fine.