View Full Version : Are These Symptoms Of Panic?

08-10-11, 14:49
Has anyone ever felt like they are going to black out and your vision goes all weird and then your whole body feels like it is on fire inside, your skin is burning really bad and you just can't seem to cool down? This has happened to me twice now and i find it really frightening because it is so unpredictable, i am terrified it will happen again when i am outside or something. I have never had this with panic attacks before, so i just wanted to know if this is actually something to do with panic?

09-10-11, 00:40

yes it's common for people to feel like they are going to pass out, with the feeling of impaired vision, also shortness of breath and feeling very hot.

although i have never felt physical pain (re: skin burning), just discomfort; like when you are hot and irritable and itchy,

were you exaggerating somewhat ?, i don't really think people with panic attacks generally tend to spontaneously combust or anything !