View Full Version : carbom monoxide

08-10-11, 16:22
dads just put heating but boiler is being serviced in 5 weeks- he tried to get it earlier but couldnt as its "busy" they said. so im sitting here panciking about carbon monoxide.

---------- Post added at 15:54 ---------- Previous post was at 15:50 ----------

im cold so i want it on but i was shocked that he put it on and immediatly felt scared

---------- Post added at 16:00 ---------- Previous post was at 15:54 ----------

my mums standing here reading extrereme side affects about medication- shes talking about blood clots-
im really panciking about ben being on the medication now argh
we have no carbon mon. alarm i just feel like running away from home and never coming back again.

---------- Post added at 16:04 ---------- Previous post was at 16:00 ----------

everyone thins im silly for worrying but we have no decterot and the gas company we are with does a check every 2 years so we didnt have one least year. im really scared.

---------- Post added at 16:06 ---------- Previous post was at 16:04 ----------

I really am scared and freaking out. I want to throw the boiler out the window im so scared right now at the moment

---------- Post added at 16:10 ---------- Previous post was at 16:06 ----------

im so close to googling about the posioning

---------- Post added at 16:12 ---------- Previous post was at 16:10 ----------

i dont know what to do. i begged my dad to turn it off and he just laughed in my face. i have no were to go and im ******* freaking out so badly.

---------- Post added at 16:14 ---------- Previous post was at 16:12 ----------

I smell burning now in the lounge. i keep crying and crying i cant stop.

---------- Post added at 16:19 ---------- Previous post was at 16:14 ----------

please? im really scared i read a thread on here were a home had the stuff in it

---------- Post added at 16:22 ---------- Previous post was at 16:19 ----------

i just feel like im going to scream and shout until he turns it off. :( we didnt have a test last year and it was making funny sounds last year. i feel like im going crazy. i can smell stuff i know i can

08-10-11, 16:27
Carbon monoxide DOESNT smell Emma .Stop worrying if it was leaking you would all be gonners by now or seriously ill .As for blood clots youd know it if you had one believe me .Its a very rare side effect ...T/c Sue xx

08-10-11, 16:32
Thank you. Im sorry for constantly posting- makes me feel awful. I know ill be so releived when the service is done. Its been on for 15 mins we would know by now?
its brothers meds that she was reading out x

---------- Post added at 16:32 ---------- Previous post was at 16:29 ----------

i just cant help but think what if it hhappens before its serviced. because we get one every 2 years + we have no dectetor

08-10-11, 16:41
Keep the house well ventilated .It takes a while to feel the effects .You ,d feel extremely sleepy for no reason .Most boilers have a vent that the fumes go through to the outside .Mine does anyway ..Cant you go out for a walk or something to take your mind off things .Im sure your brother is ok with regard to his Meds ,He,d have some indication if he had a blood clot .Very rare it happens as I said .Im sorry you are Anxious again ,but I really dont think your Dad wouldnt put it on if he thought there was something seriously wrong with it .It will be sorted soon .Try not to fret ..T/c Sue x

08-10-11, 17:13
Thank you. It does have a vent i think- does that mean its safe lol.
Im sure brother is ok to.

---------- Post added at 16:47 ---------- Previous post was at 16:45 ----------

Ive been refused counessling though as im not "bad" enough for it and ive tried 5 docs to get reffered for cbt and no one will so im on my own. I keep sitting here waiting to die this evening. it wasnt even serviced last year i think thats why im in right state.

---------- Post added at 16:55 ---------- Previous post was at 16:47 ----------

I cant wait for him to come but the man said he would phone to arrange next month and if he forgots i know dad will not bother and ill tell him but he will shout.
If i wasnt so scared of death i think i would have harmed my self by now. :(

---------- Post added at 17:01 ---------- Previous post was at 16:55 ----------

Im going down the shop for 10 mins soon but i just cant stop thinking about it. its because its been 2 years now.

---------- Post added at 17:04 ---------- Previous post was at 17:01 ----------

mum said we are going about 7 actually. ive got a sharp pain in one side of head. headaches are a sign of poisoing.

---------- Post added at 17:04 ---------- Previous post was at 17:04 ----------

mum said we are going about 7 actually. ive got a sharp pain in one side of head. headaches are a sign of poisoing. :blush:

---------- Post added at 17:06 ---------- Previous post was at 17:04 ----------

am i going mad. i can smell strong burning- i know its not monoxide as that doesnt smell but i cant help but worry

---------- Post added at 17:13 ---------- Previous post was at 17:06 ----------

mums turning it off now. thank god. im going to pester until the man comes round. i hate MY life

08-10-11, 17:21
I want to be poisoned with carbon monoxide, I've been trying to buy it but can't. You won't even know if you did get poisoned and died as a result, so what's the point in worrying about it? There are much worse things than death - living like this is one of them.

08-10-11, 17:26
Because my fear is death lol. I cant help thats my main fear is death.

---------- Post added at 17:26 ---------- Previous post was at 17:23 ----------

i dont fear illness i fear death so ha comes as a result of this. it would tear my family up and i fear not knowing what it feels like never to wake up again or do anything or see anyone again. it freaks me out.

08-10-11, 17:27
Replies like that arent really helpful Dave ...Sorry you feel like that :hugs:..Emma have you looked at the 30day free trial of CBT ON THE Therapy forum ? Worth a try hun .You get headaches from Tension and I suspect thats what s causing yours .Hope the fresh air helps to clear your head ..Sue x

08-10-11, 17:33
Hi no. Ive tried other courses online before but never that one i dont think. I will look. I keep pusing for a referel but havnt got there yet oh well.
I asked mum if she would phone the gas people on Monday she said yes but she never does when she says that so i dont know how i will cope this winter. surely november is late for a boiler check or is that just me and they only do one every 2 years.
I hope so. need to pop to sainsburies with mum after dinner. x

08-10-11, 17:37
Because my fear is death lol. I cant help thats my main fear is death.

---------- Post added at 17:26 ---------- Previous post was at 17:23 ----------

i dont fear illness i fear death so ha comes as a result of this. it would tear my family up and i fear not knowing what it feels like never to wake up again or do anything or see anyone again. it freaks me out.

I've seen death and it's very peaceful. I've seen family members with Cancer slip away in front of my eyes and all the pain goes from their faces. Do not fear death, it's our final journey as we are source energy, and energy does not die, it just changes form.

There's one way of testing to see if you have a faulty boiler. If the flame is yellow it's faulty, if it's blue it's ok. :)

08-10-11, 17:40
I understand that completly. Thats why i need counessling so i can except that death will happen at some point no matter what i do. I just feel like 17 is far to young to die- i havnt even lived yet and until i can get past this fear of death i just can not.

---------- Post added at 17:40 ---------- Previous post was at 17:39 ----------

Im sorry that youve had to witness your family die x

08-10-11, 17:47
I understand that completly. Thats why i need counessling so i can except that death will happen at some point no matter what i do. I just feel like 17 is far to young to die- i havnt even lived yet and until i can get past this fear of death i just can not.

---------- Post added at 17:40 ---------- Previous post was at 17:39 ----------

Im sorry that youve had to witness your family die x

Don't feel sorry for me to witness the death of members of my family, I was privillaged, because before that I used to dread the day, now I know it's a peaceful transition. You have your whole life ahead of you if you're healthy. Go out and get drunk with your friends like I did at 17, those years are the best years of your life, enjoy every minute! Did you check the flame in the boiler to see if it's yellow (bad) or blue (good)? If it's yellow, turn the boiler off, sorted. It's that easy. :)

08-10-11, 18:04
No i didn't check the flame. its off now though so i will push mum for a check lol.
does it sound really unsual when i say ive never had alcohol before in my life lol x

---------- Post added at 18:04 ---------- Previous post was at 17:53 ----------

5 weeks according to dad till it gets checked lol.

08-10-11, 19:22
Hey Hun, I work for a gas and electric company and if u are ever worried about a leak then ring the gas emergency line and they send someone out within an hour 2 check everything is ok and don't ever worry about calling them coz I have so many calls like this and we would rather were safe and worry free! Also ask ur mum to ring ur energy provider on Monday and ask them to send u out a free carbon monoxide alarm! Hope this helped :-) xx

08-10-11, 19:28
Thank You. I have told my parents but they just sort of laugh and tell me to shut up lol. they think its silly. our man that does it insists two year checks is enough. Ive told them about the alarm and there response "why bother" its so frustrating trying to get through to them i can not stand it lol.
we dont use EDF we use a private gas man who insists two year checks. I just have to sit and pray all winter at this rate.
your advice was useful though i just wish i had co-operative parents.

08-10-11, 19:38
That's ok Hun, if u ever get that worried call them yourself! I work for southern electric and with our boiler protection we send someone out once a year to check! Just explain to ur mum and dad it would stop u worrying if they get the alarm, it will only take a 5 min call! If u ever have any worries feel free to inbox me xxx

08-10-11, 19:39
Thank you. It is only 5 weeks away according to my dad so im really not sure. Would i be able to see a blue flame in the boiler which would indicate in being OK? its been of two hours now so i assume i would know if i was dying by now lol.

08-10-11, 20:01
I want to be poisoned with carbon monoxide, I've been trying to buy it but can't. You won't even know if you did get poisoned and died as a result, so what's the point in worrying about it? There are much worse things than death - living like this is one of them.

Dave i appreciate what you have gone through by reading your replies to this thread but the above reply is not helpful and quite pointless to be honest.

08-10-11, 20:32
Dave i appreciate what you have gone through by reading your replies to this thread but the above reply is not helpful and quite pointless to be honest.

What's the point of your post? To try and bully me? What's your angle? I shared something that was a fear breakdown, look into my posts more deeply and intelligently before you comment please....

08-10-11, 20:40
I understand Dave's point BUT my fear is of death- it scares me clearly and thats what i need proffesional help with but people have refused me that help.
My forehead feels all funny above my nose like i can feel it and its tingly.
I just know these next 5 weeks will be hell for me.

08-10-11, 20:42
I beg your pardon!?

For your information your reply was sent as a 'reported post' to admins.

I was neither rude or disrepectful to you and i would expect the same courtecy back.

08-10-11, 21:06
I asked parents about getting a free alarm they told me they wouldnt get one and im not aloud to phone for one either ( i have no mobile and the landlines on a hook and im on my own about once every 6 months).
i just keep crying but everyone else is fine so probs just me being an "idot" as they say. im an over emtional *** at the moment but thats down to bloody hormones lol.
ive hated my child hood- we had the police round every week- parents arguing- being dragged here and there. being hit by my own mother. ive never been on Holiday before. i just feel like my nearly 18 years have been pointless. everyone comes into school saying theyve done this and be here and i have none of that.

08-10-11, 21:07
I understand Dave's point BUT my fear is of death- it scares me clearly and thats what i need proffesional help with but people have refused me that help.
My forehead feels all funny above my nose like i can feel it and its tingly.
I just know these next 5 weeks will be hell for me.

I'm glad you understand my posts and the point I was making. :)

I don't know where you live so I don't know how good your therapy service is, but I will say you are fearing the unknown and you're not alone, I would guess many do until they meet it face to face and realise it's not a bad thing at all, it's part of life. Don't fixate on death, think about living, death will come when it's ready to, thinking about won't speed it up, I'm a believer of determinism, and feel when your number is up, it's up, there's nothing you can do about it.

Can I ask you what specifically worries you about death/dying, maybe I can help?

08-10-11, 21:13
I live in the South of England- i feel uneasy giving my exact location away online lol.

"Don't fixate on death, think about living, death will come when it's ready to"
this is what i would like to be able to think- to not even think about it. thats what i need help with the most- My health anxiety comes from this fear of death.

I guess im scared of not knowing what happens after death. to never smell, touch, see people ever again. to not know what it feels like scares me.
death is the only thing i can be certain of in life and id like to be able to accept it.

08-10-11, 21:14
I beg your pardon!?

For your information your reply was sent as a 'reported post' to admins.

I was neither rude or disrepectful to you and i would expect the same courtecy back.

LOL, chill out, it's all good. :yahoo:

08-10-11, 21:14
I cant imagine an eternal sleep.

08-10-11, 21:26
I live in the South of England- i feel uneasy giving my exact location away online lol.

"Don't fixate on death, think about living, death will come when it's ready to"
this is what i would like to be able to think- to not even think about it. thats what i need help with the most- My health anxiety comes from this fear of death.

I guess im scared of not knowing what happens after death. to never smell, touch, see people ever again. to not know what it feels like scares me.
death is the only thing i can be certain of in life and id like to be able to accept it.

Hey that's fine, I wasn't sure which country you were from. So you should be able to get CBT through your GP, just ask for it and he should give it to you.
Many people find religion when looking for answers about death, I would be very careful taking that route.....
What makes you feel better when you think about death, what I mean is, if I said the ancient Indians believe we are born again as any form, would that give you comfort? Many believe (who had a near death experience) see a light at the point of death, a feeling of calm comes over them, they feel as if they are 'home'. Overall, I don't think death is the problem with you, I think the problem is that you feel you haven't lived your life yet and are depressed.
Have you got any friends you can go out with at all?

08-10-11, 21:31
I have a couple of friends but im very shy and anxious so find it hard. I want to to go to NYC, san francisco, to cedar point in the US to LIVE my life before my time comes.
I dont beleive in the after life i have to say im an athiest i beleive in what science says (evolution) but i commened people who have faith as i think its wonderful. I feel like once im dead im just left to rot and there is nothing of me. i dont feel anything again, see, wake up again. its frightening to me.

08-10-11, 21:40
I have a couple of friends but im very shy and anxious so find it hard. I want to to go to NYC, san francisco, to cedar point in the US to LIVE my life before my time comes.
I dont beleive in the after life i have to say im an athiest i beleive in what science says (evolution) but i commened people who have faith as i think its wonderful. I feel like once im dead im just left to rot and there is nothing of me. i dont feel anything again, see, wake up again. its frightening to me.

I'm an athiest too. But I saw a close family member pass away in front of me in hospital and I have to tell you, in the final breaths, they were a sense of relief, peaceful, all pain disappeared from the face, now I couldn't physically see anything, but I felt that the body I was looking at was no longer the person I grew up with, they had gone, I knew that deep inside. I don't feel sad when I visit the grave, I don't talk to the grave, as I know the person left that day, and now know the secret of the cycle of life.

You promise yourself you will get the USA and visit all the places around the world, you deserve it, it's yours for the taking, leave your worries behind you in a virtual box somewhere and grab life, you're young and that means you have the energy and will to do this. I travelled, it was great, it's an experience, but plan properly before you go, you can start planning now, your hands may be tied, but not your mind. :)

08-10-11, 21:49
Thank you. Oh yes i WILL go its something ive wanted for years. When i find a job im saving for it- every penny is going towards it. I want to go before UNI. Id love to travel from NYC to California and drive down the coast road there. Its a huge dream that i hope will come true one day. I want to see the Golden Gate Bridge, the statue of liberty, the empire state buliding etc in person.
I read the 1st bit of your past and it made me cry- everythinks doing that to me today- im not sure if your female or male but im always worse this time of the month because im over senstive and emotional to everythink.

08-10-11, 21:57
Thank you. Oh yes i WILL go its something ive wanted for years. When i find a job im saving for it- every penny is going towards it. I want to go before UNI. Id love to travel from NYC to California and drive down the coast road there. Its a huge dream that i hope will come true one day. I want to see the Golden Gate Bridge, the statue of liberty, the empire state buliding etc in person.
I read the 1st bit of your past and it made me cry- everythinks doing that to me today- im not sure if your female or male but im always worse this time of the month because im over senstive and emotional to everythink.

I didn't want to make you feel sad, just sharing a real life experience that I feel was a positive one :)

I think my name is a giveaway to tell my gender, unless I'm a post operative who used to be called Dianne! :roflmao:


08-10-11, 23:02
Ignore me i'm just soppy sometimes lol
opps forgot Dave
Night :)

---------- Post added at 22:39 ---------- Previous post was at 22:00 ----------

my mum thinks because we've been here 9 years its fine and we havnt changed boilers. but she did say if it makes u feel better we wont use it till its been serviced. I just feel teary all the time- when my mum is stern with me i cry- im not normally like this- i blame hormones.

---------- Post added at 23:02 ---------- Previous post was at 22:39 ----------

now i feel silly for even letting this worry me lol. i laugh at my self sometimes. time for bed. im cold so im gonna have a hot water bottle and have a great nights sleep to see if it helps my cold, my painful tummy and my sodding painful wisdom teeth. life could be a lot worse so i shouldnt complain :)

09-10-11, 18:16
hi my names melvin
im a registered gas engerneer . have you brought a co detector they are very good and the alarm will sound if theirs co anywhere . allso make sure you get your boiler and fire serviced every 12 months .and ask to see their gas safe id card .if any one wants advice on their gas apps please feel free to get intouch

09-10-11, 21:47
Hi. No we dont have one and we have a check every 2 years (one due soon) mum said she wouldnt use until its been serviced but im not sure if she means that lol.