View Full Version : Addiction..

08-10-11, 17:53
Hiya Guys,

Bk 2 work 2moz and im quite excited to get bk 2 normal and earn some money, keep busy etc. One problem I've just discovered is that I have been taking my mums Zolpidem sleeping pills most nights for about a week or so. They are the 10mg ones too which is worse as the dose is high and makes me high. Obviosuly makes me sleep like a baby but overall makes me forget majority of the nights antics :( So i had to tell my mum this morning, which did not go down 2 wel These pills are supposed 2 last my mum a month or more and theres hardly any left. So I've told her to hide them from me or even still just not let me take them. I am not taking anymore now until I actually need them but for now I need them 2 get out of my system.

I'm not scared at all, I'm just hoping I dont get cold turkey and take one but Im a very determined person and dont give up!

Overall im feeling strong and make sure I take the bad people out of my life :D

08-10-11, 18:01
if you've only been taking them a week, you'll have no problems at all!

Hyper xxx