View Full Version : Work...

08-10-11, 18:50
I have recently started a new job with long hours and I often have to work weekends. Since I am only 19 I am growing very frustrated with it because I am constantly tired all the time which often makes my anxiety worse. I also don't really get much opportunity to go out and socialise with my friends. I feel miserable because of this and just want time to myself so I can relax, I often get in from work, go to bed and then get up again for another 10-12 hour shift.

The only thing keeping me there is the money is quite good and I think my Mam would go nuts if I did pack it in, although she accepts that this is just a stop gap and not something I see myself doing in the long term.

Do you think I should try and stick it out or if its making me depressed, anxious and tired should I quit?

08-10-11, 19:09
No don't quit yet, as its all new to you give it some time and you may find it gets easier and you can start to find the energy and time for your friends.

I started working a split shift when I was younger, 2 days and 2 nights, I could reach 50+ hours on this work, I had no time for anything as I was really tired and my body clock was haywire, I did get used to it after a couple of months.

I understand your anxiety but I think you must try for your own sake as well as your mum's

08-10-11, 19:59
Thanks for the advice mate, will take it on board. I'll maybe have a word with my boss and explain to him that I need weekends off for family reasons or something.