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View Full Version : want to cry :'(

08-10-11, 20:47
I've had anxiety for 15 years and now health anxiety for about 3, just recently I feel like I just want to cry all the time, everything sets me off, sad tv shows/films even adverts! I feel like I'm no use, I can't keep on top of things and everything seems so overwhelming and I'm just so down. I really don't want to feel like this anymore, I don't want to be doped up on pills and be spaced out all day, I feel like I'm ruining my familys lives and dragging them down with me. Anyone else ever just feel hopeless???

08-10-11, 23:52
I have felt the exact same way many times before. If it's getting to be a major problem in your life to the point where severe depression is kicking in, I would recommend eiher CBT, talk therapy, and even though you don't want to you may even reconsider meds. Personally, I avoided meds for the first two years of my anxiety disorder for the same fears. I didn't want to feel drugged or zombie like. I also worried a lot about side effects. I finally bit the bullet and started taking an anti depressant in late July and now that I have slowly adjusted to the right dosage, I am starting to feel better.

I'm not sayin that medication is the cure all, because I believe that some people are able to overcome their issues without it. But, if you've tried everything else and nothing is working then you just might want to talk to your doctor about it. Also, I have to add that I've had a horrible past month (resigned from my job, had a really scary panic attack, death of a close family member) which could have really pushed me off the deep end. Instead I was able to grieve, feel really down, disappointed, cry, scream, and so on. My point it, I was still able to feel real emotions and at the same time, keep functioning in everyday life.

What has helped me most is a combo of CBT and meds...And of course this forum! I hope you are able to find some relief soon! Take care xx

09-10-11, 00:09
Ya I know that hopeless feeling, medication may help but what helps most is going to therapy and getting some support and having people to talk to and to help you with your issues.

09-10-11, 00:58
Me too! I cry for all sorts of reasons. Among other handicaps I am an Aspergers male. Nobody else to relate to with that condition. Socially isolated. So, I can relate to that. I suffer with high anxiety issues too. Diazepam helps, and I take Citalopram which, I am going to ask the Doctor to increase gthe dosage of. Oh yes, almost forgot to mention I have active osteoarthritis and diabetes type two, plus a mental illness.

09-10-11, 01:17
On a positive note - it may be that you are now ready to let go of whatever was causing your anxiety in the first place.

Most people with anxiety hold their feelings in, suppress the hurts. Now you are crying, you are feeling.

It could be just the right time for help through your problems. :)

09-10-11, 08:36
your over reactive to things not that its a bad thing enjoy your oversensitive emotions embrace them

09-10-11, 09:22
i have a good freind with aspergius...dont let it put you down