View Full Version : Paranoia - AGAIN!!! Anyone?

Natalie x
08-10-11, 23:52
Hi. Firstly, apologies for the long post. You may have seen my previous posts over paranoia that I have been having over the past couple of months. It mostly started with being paranoid at work - paranoid about not doing something correctly, forgetting to do something important after I would leave work and would check and check again through everything. I have put this down to just wanting to strive for success and do well in my career.

It then moved onto paranoia with my friends. I would constantly analyse conversations I had with friends both face to fave and over text/facebook etc. And kept thinking "what if I have said something out of turn or that I shouldn't have? What will they think of me" etc. Well I have got myself into that situation yet again.

Last night, one of my friends facebooked me to ask if I wanted to go to the cinema on saturday and a bite to eat so we made the arrangements for this satirday. Trouble is, I was supposed to be going on a night out with a couple of girls from my college course. I decided to text my friend from college to say that it had totally slipped my mind about the night out and had arranged to go out with my friend. I apologised and asked if we could do it the week after and she replied to say that it was not a problem and we could arrange for another saturday. I keep looking at the texts wondering if she sounded angry and then I'm paranoid that she will look at my facebook page and see my convo with my friend to make the arrangements for satirday. I keep thinking "what if she has picked me up wrong and thinks the cinema trip was previously arranged" instead of it being arranged last night when I totally forgot about the college night out. I keep thinking "what if she sees that and is angry? What if she falls oit with me?". I don't think she is the type of girl to be like that but I keep going over it in my head and can't wait until I see her on tuesday to just apologise to her again and see how she is with me.

I really hope I am just overthinking again (as usual). I really thought i was getting somewhere with all of this but it is back again. Can anyone offer some advice/help please? Thanks x

08-10-11, 23:54
Hun it really looks like you are over thinking these things. If you are that worried about what she thinks why don't you call her? Say to her that you are sorry and start talking about what you'll do together when you meet up the following week. Whenever in doubt about how a person sounds in writing , ring them...its hard to play off of peoples emotions when they are written , however by talking to them you play off of the tone of the voice. Don't worry - just tell your friends that you get paranoid, i'm sure they'll understand. Hope things go okay xxxx

Natalie x
09-10-11, 00:17
Hi there. Thanks for your reply. I hope I'm jst overthinking - again! She sent me 2 texts saying that it was no problem at all as I with 3 kisses at the end lol text to say hope its not a problem, so am judging by this that she seems okay (hopefully!). I just seem to worry when it comes to these kind of things as I want to please everyone and don't want to lose any friends. I go to college with her on a tuesday so will speak to her then. I've only known her for over a year and have spoken to her only a couple of times on the phone recently so don't want to be too intense. I just wish I wouldn't worry about things so much all the time. It takes over so much x

09-10-11, 10:59
aww hun, really, don't worry. You are young, friends come and go but the best one's stay =) If you've known her that long already then you'll probably know her for a long time =) if you feel like you need to talk to someone just inbox me and i'll be happy to help =) take care xxx

Natalie x
09-10-11, 11:43
Thanx again for your reply. Do you think by the sounds of it that she is not angry? I know she's got other things to think about rather than this and shesd probably not thinking half the things I think she is, but somehow I can't get it out of my head. I don't want her to think I'm a bitch and lose her as a friend x

09-10-11, 18:17
no hun shes not angry xx

Natalie x
09-10-11, 21:10
Thank you and sorry to keep asking. You know what us anxiety worriers are like x

09-10-11, 22:14
yeah lol its horrible xx