View Full Version : depression even using antidepressents,why?

20-05-06, 22:53
even while using SSRI i used to have the attack of depression again again.now-a-dayz i am using cipralex and u can say it lexapro perhaps.now i have decided to get rid of it. i am on antidepressents from 5 years and on cipralex from one year and few months. i was taking 20mg of it now i hav reduced it to 10mg slowly in one month.i want to hav some knowledge how to reduce it furthermore to have the minimal withdrawl symptoms. how can i getrid of depression with out these medicines. can anyone help me. i am afraid that while using medicines i again and again have the attack of depression after some months, then how can i live with out these medicines. i really don't want to be dependent on these medicines through out my life. anyone who came out of cipralex or SSRI or antidepressents plz help me me.

20-05-06, 23:07
i would reccomend you go back to your docs, there are lots of dif meds youmay not have found the one for you, also you should really ask your doc how to come off them slowly and he/she should be keeping an eye on you through the process..i came off peroxetine a year ago and went down 1ml every week or two so as not to have side effects...have you been for any therapy? maybe you could ask doc about that? best of luck xxxx

jools xx