View Full Version : Different types of hunger.

09-10-11, 03:12
I was just thinking about hunger and realized there's so many different types.

There's tummy hunger, where my tummy feels hungry, it growls and I want to eat food. If this goes on too long I will start to feel sick, my tummy gets too tight and I get dizzy and very grumpy.

Then there's when I don't feel hungry but I know I must eat because I am feeling dizzy. I get this now much more than tummy hunger. Often I realized I have not eaten yet when this happens. When you don't feel tummy hunger , it's very easy to let too much time pass between eating.

Taste hunger, where I am not hungry but I am craving a certain food. this often happens at that time of month, when I crave chocolate. So I always keep chocolate in the house for those moments :)
Then there's also that craving for something sweet I can get after eating dinner even though I am full

I don't get emotional hunger, where you eat when you are sad, I now tend to loose my appetite when ever I am stressed.
But coffee always lifts my mood and makes me feel happy, I know that sounds weird but even thinking of coffee makes me feel good and I always look forward to my morning cup :)

Then there's what I am never sure is nausea or hunger. I will eat because I think I might be hungry but it doesn't take away the nauseous feeling!

william wallace
09-10-11, 10:00
Hi Mishel, some interesting observations there.
Over the last few months I have had moderate depression and anxiety. When it first started I was probably taking in about 500 calories a day, more from coffee and tea than food. My appetite slowly returned as the meds kicked in, and I only eat when I'm hungry, not when the clock tells me. Yesterday I was busy and never felt hungry until 2pm when I had a coffee and a muffin. Then Mrs Wallace came in from work with an Indian takeaway for two, which I was well ready for:D
I've lost 20lbs, and my blood sugar (I'm type 2 diabetic) has went down from 7.8 to 6.9. There's a lot to be said for eating the way that nature intended.
I'll eat when I'm hungry.
I'll drink when I'm dry.
If the moonshine do'nt kill me I'll live till I die:)

09-10-11, 10:30
I used to be very fit, and eat at about 8 am, 12 midday and about 5 pm. Nothing in between meals and wouldn't go near anything sweet. I got hungry near those times, never been fat even though I was approaching 48.

About a year and a half on Citalopram and I no longer feel any type of hunger, eat because I must and eat sweets and crap.

Came off Cit. 4 months ago, everything going fine, but still don't feel hunger....ever. I'm trying to lose the 3 stone I put on. I don't even like food any more, Cit seems to have taken away the desire for it.

Very strange.

william wallace
09-10-11, 11:06
Miles, just my tuppence worth but after being on Cit for eighteen months, even four months later it's still going to be in your system. Might be worth getting in some exercise, and drink loads of water/beer to flush it from your system.
Think buttery bacon rolls, peppery steaks, chicken bhuna:D

10-10-11, 03:37
William Aw glad you lost weight and it helped your diabetes :)
I must admit I much prefer the problem of trying to gain weight, that struggling to loose it.

Hmm sounds like the medication messed up your appetite, without feeling proper hunger you won't get much pleasure from food.

Actually food does tend to taste better after drinking, as the alcohol lowers your blood sugar and makes your hungry :)