View Full Version : Weird blood pressure feeling, is it anxiety ?

09-10-11, 06:36
got this really weird feeling in my body right now, the only way I can explain it is it feels like I have high blood pressure (I know your not supposed to be albe to feel high blood pressure but its the only way I can explain it), feels like the feeling like if you were to hang upsidedown and all the blood rushes to your face, that type of pressure but not so intense I can feel it in my whole body but mainly in my head and face.

Is this most likely yet another symptom of anxiety or could it be something else ????

Thanks .

09-10-11, 08:29
Hi if it's the feeling I think you mean I would say it's anxiety it's the adrenaline isn't it causes all sorts if weird feelings hope you are ok :)

09-10-11, 08:30
Just anxitey....

09-10-11, 12:01
cheers, but its hard to think its just axiety because I've had anx for 16 years now and have had pretty much every symptom you get with anxiety but never felt like this.

09-10-11, 18:14
Hi Robbs,

I sometimes have the same thing you describe and id describe it exactly the same way like youve been upside down a few minutes and then put the right way up, i also feel it in my face/head and sometimes it feels like my ears are full of pressure too.
I have mentioned it to my doctor who suggested it may be a sinus thing and told me to buy some sudafed etc. I didnt as ive a phobia of taking medication so just left it to go away on its own.
its horrible!!! scares me that its a tumor or something.
Hope this helps a bit

10-10-11, 14:56
I have the exact same thing - right now in fact! And I have been on depression/anxiety medication for years. Unfortuantely, you can chalk it up to anxiety/stress with a possible combination of allergies. Mine isn't life threatening...usually is I do some stress releiving exercises (deep breathing) and take an allergie pill to help with the "pressure" feeling...I am good to go. But, it does come and go depending on what is going on in my life. I know - it is scary and worrisome!!