View Full Version : Not getting any support from family

09-10-11, 14:17
Does anybody else feel as if family members just think you are making it up or going crazy?

I have been battling with panic attacks/depression for months now, and I am not a person who will openly share this with people as I know how narrow minded people can be.

Anyway, the point came where I was getting really bad and my partner knows about the attacks but struggles to understand them. I felt like I was always bringing him down so I stopped talking about it so much. I thought I would mention it to my mum one day when I was round the house, thinking she would reassure me and I would feel a bit better. How wrong could I have been! She didnt understand at all and told me the rate im going I'll be in the looney hospital before long!

I can't begin to tell you how upset I was by this. I thought my own mother would understand and help me, and to make matters worse she has been discussing it with my sister. My sister just made me look such a fool at the dinner table in front of her boyfriend by making out i'm a mental case.

I really do hate my family for this and now have no one to turn to!

Sorry, just feel like I need a bit of advise!

09-10-11, 14:24
Hi Sazz_1984

Really sorry to hear that you're struggling with getting your family to understand. My mum was fairly understanding but I do remember my brother and step-dad asking me "why cant you just snap out of it"...I was really upset about that.

Trouble is, until you've had it, it is difficult to understand. People don't realise that we'd love nothing more than to "snap out of it". I wonder if you could print out some information on panic attacks and show it to them?

Is there someone else you can talk to? A good friend maybe? A counsellor?

09-10-11, 14:30

Thanks for the reply.

I only have a couple of close friends who I would confide in and one of them has just had a baby a month ago, so she has enough on her plate and the other one is busy with her new partner, so doesnt really have much time to spare me.

My partner is away in barcelona for a few days and am feeling really lonely at the moment.

I think a counsellor would be a good idea but my doctors would rather dish out pills than refer me.

09-10-11, 19:22
Hi Sazz,

Sorry to hear you don't have the support from your family but please check out the Mind helpline ( it's on the mind.org.uk site ) They will give you support by telephone. The Samaritans are also good during a severe attack as I found out last week.

I too, suffer from depression and panic attacks and for a long time didn't tell anyone how I really felt, just tried to get on with things which caused it to be much worse. Please go to your doc and demand CBT which will help in the long run- if your doc won't do it go to a different doc! Not all of them are clued up about the best modern treatments.

It won't be long until you're partner is back and you will be just fine until then : )