View Full Version : I'm stuck and need to decide but cant!

09-10-11, 14:19
Hi i'm a 30 yr old guy and have a busy job, a wife that suffers from depression and OCD and a 4 1/2 yr old daughter..

I'm an easy going kind of guy who likes a simple life but seem to find myself sliding down a slippery slope and making myself ill with stress and worry and feel as if it must be my job or my wife, but I dont know which and am scared to either a) quit my job or b) end my marriage!

I have been up and down for about 6-12 months (my wife has been ill for two years) and have been to the docs quite a few times, he says I am stressed but am in good health, even though I am constantly getting headaches and random pains and take a week to recover if I try end excersise!

Anyway I guess the reason for posting is that I just dont know what to do and am concerned that I am going to end up taking medication to help me out when really I need to tackle the problem.. whatever that is!

09-10-11, 14:21
Hi abneyandteal

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

Veronica H
09-10-11, 14:52
:welcome:to NMP. This is a friendly place with good info and support.


09-10-11, 15:02
Hi and :welcome:To NMP .Hope you find the answers to your questions .Plenty of people have been where you are and come through it .Have an open mind and try to be Positive .What works for some doesnt always work for another .It can be a difficult time .Look after your health .eat well and get plenty of rest .Im sure you will find a lot of help here .Nice to welcome you aboard .Gd luck and /c Sue x

09-10-11, 23:29

Regarding medication...I resisted it for years. Finally got to the breaking point past the breaking point (if you know what I mean) and took that first pill then kept on taking them. They really have helped. No, they haven't solved any issues but they have made me feel better and given me a space to consider options. I'm still considering but it's early days. Maybe you feel, like I did, that you're some kind of failure if you have to take a pill but sometimes you just need to bite the bullet.

Whatever you decide, good luck.