View Full Version : Can't stop urinating?

09-10-11, 19:36
Okay so for around 2 weeks now I've had this infection.
I've taken 3 different anti-biotics for it and just when I think its gone, it comes back!
On Thursday night I really needed to go to the bathroom to pee, but I held it in for about 4 hours and in that space me and my boyfriend also decided to fool around :blush:
I completely forgot to go pee before this as me and my boyfriend fooling around was what caused my UTI in the first place, when I eventually went to the bathroom I felt like my bladder still wasn't empty and even after going 3 times my bladder still felt really full and kind of hurt a bit when I urinated.
I literally have to go every hour, and I also know for sure this is an infection as last week I was in urgent care for it and they tested my urine and it came back that I had traces of an infection.
This is really starting to make me really miserable, it's not as bad as when it first started and I can actually pee unlike when it first started where nothing came out at all, it's just pretty annoying I can't get comfortable at all.
I also went from taking my anti biotics from 3 times a day to once a day so I'm pretty sure this is my own fault as well.
I feel like I'm going to be stuck with this infection for the rest of my life!
I've drank water, cranberry juice you name it I've tried it.
Has anyone else had this? I'm getting pretty worried.
Oh and also I've been off birth control for a month now just in case that has anything to do with it.

09-10-11, 22:09
I'm not sure about how to help a current infection, but to help prevent in the future make sure you go pee right after you have sex every time. it helps clear out whatever bacteria may have gotten in.