View Full Version : Song about anxiety and panic!

09-10-11, 21:33
A song that many of us on here can relate to...found it on YouTube and couldn't believe how right on this guy is about what's it like to have a panic attack in the middle of the night. It's called Anxiety Again (3 am). Enjoy!


10-10-11, 15:57
He's obviously been there!

Thanks for sharing :)

11-10-11, 11:48
This made me feel quite emotional it doesnt seem fair we have to go through this.....

11-10-11, 13:23
v good he def been there love him !! , wish he would sing a swearing angry 1 we could all learn when were having a roughen!!! so maybe would laugh!! arhhhh x

12-10-11, 22:35
Yes a more angry version would be cool too!!

13-10-11, 05:53
euuuuggghhhh my ears, my ears :lac:

i think i'd rather have a panic attack

talk about melodramatic ....

13-10-11, 10:09
i love this thanks for sharing !
I think that anxiety is pretty melodramatic anyway and he portrays it really well.

munkey xx

13-10-11, 18:20
..... says the person who can't distinguish between a monkey and an ape :lac:

13-10-11, 20:58
Theres no need to be rude, im entitled to my opinion the same as you are,

13-10-11, 23:06
I agree Munkey! Although it isn't the type of music I usually would listen too, I think many of us on here can relate to the lyrics and that's exactly why I posted it! :)

Veronica H
20-10-11, 11:05
Thanks for posting :). Vx