View Full Version : What's going on with me!

10-10-11, 00:42
OMG i don't know how to explain what i'm feeling but here goes :unsure:

I have suffered with anxiety, weird heart beats for more years than i can remember so i get all the weird feelings/thoughts etc. However, periodically I know get episodes of where i feel my thoughts are all over the place and get scared i'm going to lose control over them :scared15:. I suffer from de-realisation from time to time and I know how horrible that is but at the minute i'm also peri-menopausal and my doctor has told me that it has alot to do with what i'm feeling. My moods seem to be all over the place, I feel really sorry for myself at times :shrug: although I know i shouldn't. I can be really tearful one minute, fairly happy the next. I'm sure its to do with hormones but I also feel myself being forgetful and that makes me panicky and I get scared that I'll forget who I am or what i'm doing. The other day I was driving on the freeway (like the motorway in UK) and for some unknown reason, i missed my turn off. Never done that before but i convinced myself that i'm going senile or something (im 48 years old). I told my friend and she just laughed and said its like something she would do. I just am going through a stage whereby i worry about everything. I know i do have a fairly stressful life at the minute with things going on at home etc. Just wondered if anyone else has this kind of thing ever happen to them.

thanks everyone

10-10-11, 01:03
Welcome to the next stage of womanhood :huh:

The menopause is a delightful time of hot sweats, memory loss, weepiness and generally not knowing what the heck you're doing! There are many supplements out there to help, but if it all becomes too much, go back to your doctor and discuss hormone replacement therapy with him.

10-10-11, 02:41

Thanks for your reply. I will look into what supplements might help LOL and failing that, will chat to my doctor at my next appt.

thanks once again