View Full Version : Fear of Dying....

10-10-11, 00:47
My Mum is 81 and has old age Dementia and one of my big fears is dying before her, im 35 and most times when i go to bed usually after i come in from the pub and with a kebab, i start to think and my anxiety goes high.."oh god, oh no what if i dont wake up,oh no" and i get really anxious:weep:. And i also feel like crying. I CONSTANTLY Worry about my mum.

What causes this fear of dying that makes your anxiety go sky high???

10-10-11, 09:18
His is normal. Nearlly everyone on here is afraid of dieing. Is just comes with anxiety and I think because they know someone close is getting old or they have things to stay around for so it just sticks in your head.

Take me for example: I started to worry about dieing when I found out I was pregnant but I could deal with it then when I had my baby I was worried anout taki her on holiday and now nearlly every night I go to sleep thinkin what if I don't wake up' what if I die when I'm in the house in my own with her ans she is left along?'

Its part of anxiety with paranoia. I think its something everone goes therough really if they have something like I said they need to stay around for.

People think I'm not afraid of dieing but I don't want to. Whereas we say I'm terrified of dieing and I really don't want to. I actually think of ways o might die that would really hurt or the one thing that truly terrifies me is finding out I have a terminal illness.

You have to remember that alcohol is a depressent and that you only feel that way when you have been drinking. See what you feel like not drinking or not havin a lot.