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View Full Version : Is this post nasal drip?

10-10-11, 11:22
Hi I have posted before about my sinuses e.t.c,
Just wondering if this is actually Post nasal drip.
For some of the day I will not notice it at all nothing dribbling down my throat or nose congested but then it will just start happening.
It's worst in the morning as I wake up and have to hack up really white sticky spit sometimes I even vomit it if I start being anxious.
This only happens first thing in the morning and I don't vomit it up throughout the day.
Also I can get most of the snot and spit out but it feels like when I cough it up some gets stuck to the roof of my mouth, Also behind my uvula it feels like a bump there but I've heard this is meant to be there.
Mostly my right side gets blocked up and have trouble feeling myself swallow there sometimes and it's my right nostril which is also the worse.
The doctor gave me anti biotics before doxycyclin in March which cleared it up but then recently my throat been getting more blocked and coughing up more of the spit sometimes yellowy mucous comes out sometimes it don't so he prescirbed it me again and a new nasal spray nasonex instead of beconase.
Now it's been a week since I've been prescribed the pressure on my nose feels quite better and my spitting still happens and I am still getting it stuck in back of my throat but not as much.
Is there anything I can buy from the chemist to get rid of this, I'm starting to go mad and keep having days of college!

10-10-11, 15:12
I'm not sure why you want to buy something from the chemist when you already have treatment from your doctor that you say works.

It's never a good idea to mix remedies, so I suggest that you go back to the doctor again. Perhaps ask for a referral to an ENT (ear, nose and throat) specialist.

If you don't want to see the doc, please ask to speak to the pharmacist at your chemist shop. They can tell you what is safe to take with what you have been prescribed.