View Full Version : where did that come from?

21-05-06, 13:34
Hi everyone - i'm a new member and wondered if anyone could help.

I went to bed one night 6 weeks ago feeling great. I have great husband and family, great job, nice home etc and had not been feeling stressed as far as I was aware. Put head on pillow and couldn't catch my breath. Went cold thought I was going to pass out - started shaking and gasping for breath.

After consultation with doc after this cotinued for several days i have been diagnosed with anxiety disorder. I have pretty much all the symptoms. Put on prosac ...... not sure if this is helping and am going to see cognitive therapist (this is helping).

I had a bad year last year - smashed my leg to bits on a skiing accident 2 days before my wedding. Took a year to heal. Brand new lovely husband taken into hospital with suspected heart attack after playing rugby. I had another operation on leg. I look after the family of 4 and the family business which employs 6 people. My 18 year old son is leaving home soon to go to uni. Enough stress? But how come it hit me out of the blue when everything was getting better?

21-05-06, 14:26
You were put on PROZAC just days later!??!?!?

I cant quite cram enough exclamations and question marks in there to express my WTF reaction.

Ok, well since Im not a doctor and should not be telling you to NOT TAKE PROZAC JUST BECAUSE YOU HAVE HIGH ANXIETY FOR THREE DAYS I should probably suggest a few things...

You may very well be experiencing something alot of us have in that you did not pay much attention to anxiety sensations before.
In a funny way that is actually good when people just think its a headache, flu-bug or too much coffee because you dont focus on the sensations.

Anyways, you had yourself an anxiety attack of some kind (and it may well have been aided by some real physical tiredness).
What happens is that you then acknowledge the sensations and in fact you became frightened of it.
Thats the vicious circle here because then you get anticipatory fear of the sensations
"What.. what if they return again.. im sure tomorrow night its another go around"
That sort of thing.

But the way you word it does sound 'out of the blue' but in fact, when I first had a panic attack - I would have described pretty much the same thing.
As well, I had actually a previous year of trauma and stress.
I think that is actually pretty common.
I never had panic or anxiety DURING the months of bereavement, divorce, apartment fire and final exams... it came about later and over a relatively minor job loss situation that, in itself, was just small but enough to push me.

Wow.. Prozac!
All i can say is 'wow' to the medical establishment.

Two heads
21-05-06, 14:52
Hi there!
I can relate to your anxiety thats just how mine came about in december out of the blue one night!Like you my stressful time was way befor this happened.It seems that as soon as we start to get back to normal our stress from the pass sort of catchs upwith us.
You will be ok hun,we are all hear to help if needed.xxx

21-05-06, 15:49
Hi there, glad you have joined this web-site. You will find it very useful, read through all the information on offer. Phew!!!! bit of a year then last year? And how well you coped with it at the time, now, you have time to relax and reflect, and then, wham, the panic strikes!!!!I think you done well you have had a lot to deal with (and still have) Keep up the therapy, i am sure it will help you, and please keep in touch p.s how hard is it when the kids leave eh?, pat yourself on the back on what a wonderful mum you are and what a good job you have done! xxx

21-05-06, 21:07
Hi Janie - you sound similar to me - I went to bed one night at christmas, only to wake in the middle of it having a panic attack. Looking back now I realise I had been over doing it at work and not eating properly - I think too much stress causes our bodies to run down, leading to anxiety/panic/IBS/OCD...people react in different ways. I'm glad to hear you're starting to feel on the mend - seeing CBT will help.
Take Care
Love Helen

21-05-06, 23:07
All I can say is that you have had a very stressful year and body has had a lot of stress to deal with, it takes a while for stress to build and so that's probably what happened, its like the straw that broke the camels back - your body just said enough! There's great info and advice on this site and the fact thatyou're getting therapy early will help tremendously.
take care


'This too will pass'

22-05-06, 09:46
jayk you make me laugh! but what great advice you give.

janie all the girls ahve gave you great advice. dont fear these symptoms and they will soon fade with some good rest and good food . fearing them is he vicious circle that many of us are in

if you continue to get them then i suggest you pick up a copy of my bible called " self help for your nerves 2 by claire weekes. this will explain and advice and is a great book for easing peoples fears

take care, and hope you and your new hubby are fit and well now


23-05-06, 12:25
thank you everyone for your kindness and understanding. I am having a bad few days but i have not given up. The nights are the worst and i have got myself into that vicious circle of expecting them to be bad so guess what ........... they are. Got my not very helpful or sympathetic mother staying for a few days so anxiety levels are higher than they should be.

I'm not afraid to say that I find this all quite frightening but take much comfort from this site.

Thanks jane

23-05-06, 13:48
jane the book i mentioned will greatly benifit you

claire weekes " selp help for your nerves"

23-05-06, 13:50

sorry to bother you again but you can get it from the site above


23-05-06, 15:39
thank you jackie

I have just ordered the book you recommend on express delivery. I have heard about this book before - i'm sure i will find as much solace in it as i do in this forum. xxx