View Full Version : Newly Diagnosed with G.A.D

10-10-11, 14:59
Hi everyone, I'm Lizo & i've been struggling with anxiety for a few months now. I've already had 2 sessions of C.B.T, & on friday my counsellor confirmed I had G.A.D. She's suggested that before I let my anxiety get on top of me, :scared15: I should "Do something/relaxation."

But since i've had this anxiety, I can't relax, :unsure: and I don't really know any relaxation techniques...
Any suggestions/coping strategies/advice or tips would be extremely welcome!

10-10-11, 15:00
Hi Lizomzimba

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes