View Full Version : Just to say hello to everyone.. This is all knew to me.

10-10-11, 16:00
Hi. Everyone just wanted to get in touch with members that are going through the same things as me,and can understand where I'm coming from. I had been on the citanapram for 2 years. Then 6 weeks ago.. Felt so good I came off..now I am suffering BIG time.. I have been back to the doctors and he has put me back on 20mg.. I am now suffering with all the side affects I had before.. I am so cross with myself for doing this.. I feel as if I have taken millions of steps back.. I wish there was a group where we could meet and talk. As I feel that it would help as all if we could get together. I live around the bath area.. So if anyone can help me, would love to here from you.. I know I am not alone.. That's why this site is great.. Wish you all well. JAG:::hugs:

10-10-11, 16:03
Hi Jag

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

10-10-11, 18:13
hiya i did something simalar been on my meds for 5 years , but got very complacement in taking them and i had a bit off stress too i see the doc and he said take them regulary again , anyway id managed to wipe em out of me system because i had all the increased anxiety and on top of that it bought my harm ocd back on which i never thought would bother me again !! eeekk how wrong!! along with other side effects , which indicated i was starting them again!! arghhh .
what are u suffering with if u dont mind me asking ?? :) x