View Full Version : Bad days - will it ever go away?

21-05-06, 13:37

Sorry for my negative weekend posting :(:(:(

Had an awful weekend and wonder if these days will ever end, I think im going so well then bang it gets me again in full swing and I have to start the uphill fight all over again,

Does anxiety ever completly go away? I do all the right things, learn all the techniques then from no where it knocks me off my feet again and im back to square one! When Im having an attack I forget all Ive learnt and go back to the "Im dying" routine, Im sick of saying the same old stuff and feeling so bad, still cant understand why it is so phyisical!

Just want a full week where dont have these bad days thrown in, sorry to rant but its getting me down and am exhausted [|)]

Need it to go away

Wendy xx

21-05-06, 13:59
Hi Wendy I could have written that myself, have been doing quite well, but since last weekend feel I am back to square 1, panic attacks severe anxiety, cant go out again the lot. Dont know why we have to keep going through this and like you I just think I must be ill and thats whats causing all the symptoms, but we know its just the dreaded anxiety rearing its ugly head again, just keep telling yourself that and try to accept that it will pass soon. Not much help I know, but I just wanted you to know you are not alone.

Take care

Luv Barb xxx

21-05-06, 14:20
I know it's horrible I've been there. I've had about 2 years straight of bad days and then some and the truth is, no, anxiety never goes away completely because it's an essential part of our being. The problem with anxiety sufferers is that it's too sensitive and interrupts our lives. Though a big part of getting over anxiety is just accepting that.

The worst part of my anxiety was based on health worries, but apart from a few stray thoughts when I am tired and worn down I am over that now and I just experience anxiety in normal situations. Though because I have suffered anxiety I am always aware of it.

The best we can do is to accept it and learn how to cope with it and not let it halt our lives. The bad days do get better, and fewer and further apart but anxiety will always be there. And as soon as you stop worrying about that you will start to win.

* * *
It's just my high anxiety getting to the best of me. I call him Bingbongilypoop. Then I can laugh at him cos he has a funny name. HAHA! [points]

21-05-06, 14:38
Hi Wendy,

The only way we can 'get over' anxiety is to take it slowly and sometimes we have a good day which Mr Anxiety doesn't like at all. So the next day ~ Wham! Look uponit as nature's way of protecting us from taking on too much.

I've had about two good afternoons in the past two months and so know how it feels. But I haven't given up the faith of knowing that I will be substantially better in the future. If you think you won't, you will be in this land of crap for ever and a day.

Even if I only get 70% there, it will feel like Bliss!

Take Care,


And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

21-05-06, 16:23
Thanks Guys! Im going to stick at it and WILL beat it one day, just so thankful for this forum, dunno where id be without you all, you keep me going, xx

21-05-06, 17:00

Try these posts - may cheer you up...

Is Recovery possible
100% recovered?? (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3368)
total cure? (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3832)
home truths (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2398)
why me. this ruins my life. (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4957)
How do you know when you're cured? (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5673)


21-05-06, 19:34
Hi there,

Over the last 12 years I've had periods of 5 years or so, where my anxiety is almost gone ( I say almost as I don't think it ever goes 100% but almost is good enough for me!) and yes it comes back but I look at the good times I've had and tell myself they'll come back- I just need to work on this 'blip'.

Shiv x

May Day
22-05-06, 14:11
Hi Wendy

It's so easy to take a knock back and feel you're back where you started again .... this happened to me this weekend too ... recovering from anxiety is done is small steps and while most of those steps are forward facing, some of them can take you backwards ... once we have learned the skills to help us recover we don't forget them, though they can feel lost in the midst of the instant panic ... take the time to relax and remember all you have learned so far ... hopefully if you are able to reapply those techniques you will find yourself taking those important steps forward again

Take care


The brightest, sunniest day may follow the darkest, stormiest night ... enjoy the sun

22-05-06, 18:34
Hi Wendy
Know how you feel , I had a bad day today, loads of symptoms, yuck feelings, but i had to tell myself it is one day and it will get better, it has before it will again. I basically told it to 'go away' (that's my nice way of saying it) and that it was not going to ruin my whols day, and i got the shopping done, bought some clothes and a DVD.
Hope you feel better soon


'This too will pass'

22-05-06, 19:21
Thanks All

Had a much better day, Strange how feel like im on my last legs on day then better the next, Thanks for all the support x

marie ross
22-05-06, 19:33
Hi Wendy,

Glad to hear that your feeling a lot better, anxietys flippin horrible and it sends you all over the place.

Take care.

Marie XXX