View Full Version : Hello, I'm feeling a little bit stuck...

10-10-11, 16:25
Hello everyone. I have just joined this forum as I've decided I need more support in relation to my anxiety. I was diagnosed as having anxiety 3 years ago, after being off work for 6 weeks and not understanding how I was feeling and why. Prior to that I had been trying to deal with my anxiety for years, without knowing what it was.

I have accessed counselling and CBT which has been really helpful but I still struggle at certain times. My main anxiety is in relation to work and I have to talk myself through my anxiety each morning in order to get to work and get through the day. Mondays are extremely difficult, Tuesdays still difficult, Wednesdays are better and Thursdays and Fridays are fine as I know the weekend is on the horizon. I tend to wake up on a Sunday with a feeling of dread, knowing that Monday is looming.

I am trying to accept that this won't ever 'go away' but that it's the way I deal with it that will make the difference. I know that if I focus on being busy at work, the day will go quickly and I'll be free again, to go home where I feel safe. This does help me get through but I worry that I'm wishing my life away by setting goals to get me to the end of the day / week.

I countdown to holidays and when they come to an end I feel very stressed and anxious. I know that this is down to my anxiety and again I try and talk myself through it but it's hard - sometimes I wish I just didn't have to go and that life would be much easier. But I know I can't spend my life without working - bills to pay and a family to support. Plus I enjoy the social side of work, even if it's a struggle to get there every day.

My Nan was taken ill last week which resulted in me being off work for three days to be with her. The situation, plus the fact that I have been away for a few days have meant that I've gone from feeling quite positive to feeling low again. Today I managed to go to work but have come home early as I was struggling. This frustrates me as I know I need to stick it out rather than run away.

Well, I don't know where all of that came from...it's just so much easier to write these things down I find. I'm not sure where to go from here. I love my life and I don't want this to get in the way. The way I feel sometimes is that if only I could take away having to go to work, I'd feel so much better. But I also feel that the fact that I manage to go is my way of facing up to it, even if I still do have my ups and downs.

If anyone is reading this and can relate to how I'm feeling and offer any advice I'd really appreciate it. I'm not sure if I've posted in the right place...maybe I should have just said hello? LOL :D

10-10-11, 16:27
Hi JessieBear

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

10-10-11, 16:36
Hey, i can totally relate to how ur feeling and its awfull :weep: do u take any meds from ur doc to help with ur anxiety? im currently going into week 5 of taking citalopram as my anxiety and panic attacks were unbearable!
Nicola xx

10-10-11, 16:49
Hi.. I hope you don't feel too bad.. I know how you are feeling. I have been there for the last 3 years.. I was almost in recovery, I decided to stop my meds 6 weeks ago, and I have to say it was the worst thing I could have done. I have been bk to docs and he had put me bk on my meds at 20mg every night..I am have g all the side affects I had before.. So bk to square one.. I am so cross with myself. I can't go out, and if I do it's very quick then I come bk home. The mornings are the worst. Don't really know why. I am here if you want to chat. I will help anyway I can hun. Take care xx:hugs:

10-10-11, 17:20
Thank you both for the welcomes and advice :). No, I've never taken any medication. My GP did discuss this with me as an option but I felt that I'd like to see if I could manage with just counselling. Up until about 4 months ago I felt that I was 90% in recovery, but after having 6 weeks off (I started a new term time only role in June) I really struggled when I came back to work and now I'm very up and down. I have wondered about going back to my GP to explain how I'm feeling and to discuss options. I must admit though that taking medication isn't something I'm very keen on...but maybe it's something I need to try???

10-10-11, 19:06
Hi and welcome to the site! Hope you find lots of useful advice and support. Personally, I'd recommend discussing with your GP other options before trying medication. That's not to say it doesn't help and isn't appropriate in many circumstances, but once started, it can become difficult to come off them. I've been on different types of medication now for 20 years and wish, sometimes, that I could function without them! Have you tried CBT for example? Other people on the site have found this very helpful in dealing with anxiety and thoughts related to it. Your GP may be able to refer you for it. Best to discuss all the available options first I think. Good luck. I hope you find something that helps. I know what it's like to dread going into work and it's awful. Look after yourself.