View Full Version : MS /neuro worry! Help!

10-10-11, 21:03
helllo all,
furst time i am really freaking about a neuro disorder. i was dioagnosed with jme epilepsy some years back...so far just had two seizures. after which i statrtd taking depakote , and since then no seizures,.
now this may, i had horrible neck pain, so i went to a neuro. he said it was just some muacle thing. but he said that its time i stop my epilepsy meds...and ordered blood tests, eeg and a brain mri.
blood tests and eeg wrer all clear. but my mri, he was just seeing the results in front of me, and he was like - yeah its ok, this is ok, yeah this showing something, but thats ok,,,its pretty normsl.
but obviously, me bring mr, i asked him what he meant by that, so he told me that theere were two small spots on the mri, so agin i asked him what is that, he said ont worry, just two small lesions....many ppl have them, doesnt mean anything.
So i left it at that, coz my main HA that time wAs lymphoma...so i didnt bother much.
But now since the previous month or so, i have been feeling very weird feelings all over my body.
1. it all started with waking up to a tightness in thigh, a tickling sensation, that once when i get up would go away. this continued for some days,,,it was a weird feeling. it is in my lft thigh. it is still there, though not when waking up...but kinda all the time. there is no numbness , in sense i can feel my skin.
2. then the second set of symptoms started - the fingers on my right leg statred paining. just random pain that keeps coming and going. they are not tender to touch....more like nerve shooting pains. now they have coming on my hand fingers also. random shooting nerve pains that can last (so far) for max one minute.
Also my hands are shaking ...just reslly noticing them. i dont really tink i had it so much before.

so i am quite sure that i have ms....i mean these are all classic ms symptoms. i am so scared. i want to goto a neuro...but i am so scared of what he will say. no one in my family has ms or any neuro disease.
what can i do?
i really do have MS right?? please someone help me.

---------- Post added at 17:26 ---------- Previous post was at 16:06 ----------

PLease...someone reply to me. I am sooo depressed. I have got really bad tremors right now while typing this. i can feel my knees wobble..and my hands ...my full hands vibrate and they are also feeling weak and there are tremors. i am so scared. i am so very scared. somebody please say something.

---------- Post added at 20:03 ---------- Previous post was at 17:26 ----------

47v views and yet not even one reply .... everyone really thinks i have ms dont u all ? i am freaking out big time!!!

10-10-11, 22:31
You poor thing!

Please stop freaking out.

I have had ALL your symptoms and have been in exactly the same state as you worrying about exactly the same thing and you know what, it wasn't MS!

All your symptoms are classic anxiety manifestations. The doc told me this too and I wouldn't believe it.

I had: shakes, tremors, numbness in hands and feet, pins and needles, shooting pains and worst of all, my face (along the facial nerve) went prickly and numb. I spent night after night in total panic.

Problem is with us HA sufferers is that a worry is all consuming and we assume the worst. When this particular worry is over no doubt something else will become all consuming.

What oddly cured me of the MS phobia was meeting someone at my local docs. She just started chatting to me, my age, well dressed etc, totally normal, then she told me she had had MS for 4 years. She was absolutely fine and had no obvious symptoms at all. She added that it didn't bother her that much. Once I lost the total fear of MS I found my symptoms seemed to melt away.

Yours will too, I don't think you have MS at all xx

10-10-11, 22:54
Hi Zeezme

As mummymurray says, everything you are experiencing at the moment is typical anxiety symptoms (have had them all myself, and the more I thought about them, the worse they seemed to get). What I think you should take comfort from is the fact that you have actually been evaluated by a neuro, and had an MRI, and have not been diagnosed with MS. The neuro would would have told you if they thought you had this. There would have been no reason for them not to have told you if this had been their diagnosis. Do you suffer from migraines at all? I know that lesions on the brain are sometimes seen in MRIs of people who get migraines, but it doesn't mean anything sinister is going on.

11-10-11, 01:05
migraines can cause brain lesions, so they can can be caused by non harmful things.
Just goes to show migraines are NOT headaches lol.

All are anxiety symptoms, with MS the symptoms depend on which part of the brain is affected, also I am pretty sure they can pick up on MS on an MRI.

11-10-11, 16:10
Mishel is quite right,
if you have MS, I am sure it would show up on the MRI scan.
have you talked about the fear of MS to your GP?

11-10-11, 17:53
Hey all,
Thanks for the responses. I am not any better today also though. I know I should probably go and visit a neuro or my gp soon...but i am so scared. Not just for me ...i am just concerned that if something really is wrong with me..then whabout ppl around me ...i mean their life will also be disrupted..
I have read a lot about MS...i know its not a death sentence ( as far as i have read~!!) so i am like ok..if its MS so be it...
But then other times, I am like...MS is gonna be till whenever I live...its not going to go away!!
Then i ask myself...woiuld u rather have something like any cancer or MS? And then I am like MS!!
its so confusing..
And to top it all...tday in addition to all of yesterdays sypmtms..i have knee pain in my left leg..i feel that leg is going weak. ALso there is rining in my ears that come and go...had it twice yday..none today. But i know it will come anytime..and again googled it tday..an d guess what..IT IS A SYMPTOM of MS!!
Sometimes i hate myself for googling..i just want ot lvoe everyday as it comes. but this HA is such a virus!!
I am more concerned like i said yday, coz the neuro did mention that there were 2 small spots on my mri scan...so its freaking me out :weep:

I somehow dont think this is anxiety...i mean pain and all i can somehoe beleiv i bought it on myself..but this hand shaking, leg tingling...everything vibrating...i just dont think its anxiety!!

11-10-11, 18:28
dear zeezme,
Don't be scared of asking GP or neuro,these syptoms you describe I have them as well,a lot of people do.
Can you relax about it. The more you worry the more stressed you will get and it is not a good thing.:hugs::hugs:

11-10-11, 19:16
ok thankyou ..... hopefull will get enough couragw to go visir a doc....more than that i reallygope and praythat i will finallyget the ourage to live my life as and how it is....even if i end up with some disease...i will have the ourage and strength to deal with it...i mean ...whata the use living like this? we all should learn to accept that life is not in our hands....but living it certinly is...! we HA sufferers give real good pep talj...But we never act upon them iurselces ...:D

12-10-11, 17:35
hy all just an update....coudnt sleep last night t all...was onstantly bogged own with terrible anxiety and also causevthere were sharp shooting pains in my knee also...in fact both legs...finally reached that point complete meltdown...so headed o my neuro tday evening..i tols him about my tremors...he saw my hand he said..yeh slightly...are u tensed?? am i ever??? but i told him...that in my prev mri..he had mentioned two spots or something...he didnt remember..so e opened the scacn in front of me...and he was looking a them...and finally in one slde he saw the spots...so he was like...ok yeah they r there...but he thins they r just calcifi afions...or omethi g...but he said i think we shoud o nother scan ju to be sure...!!!! so now i am schedules for another mri brain ...have to get the approval...i am so scared..!!...ia so very scared...also did my cbs thyroid..liver and renal blood test tday..am sdared about their results also..please keep me in ur prayers...!!

12-10-11, 19:28
Dear Zeemee,
Glad you went back. I have some spots of calfications in my breast,
sounds really bad but they told me i was ok, but to go back in 1 years time to see if they have altered. I am not worried though.
Best you are having another scan as well just to put your mind at rest.:hugs:

13-10-11, 16:05
Thankfully my blood results...all turned out normal. had called up the nurse who informed me thatnthe approval for my mri has come and i have got an apoointment for sunday evning.
Now i really trying to staynpositive...but it is not wworking. so please unguys tell me...if i really do have MS...how bas is living with it? Will I be able to live normally? Any of you have anybrelatives or friends who have been living with it? Please tell me....i really need to know...!

13-10-11, 16:18
See all normal, Lets hope your scan is ok. Stop worrying please:hugs:Zeezme

13-10-11, 22:33
no i really want to kow how debilitating ms is? please anyone out there?