View Full Version : Nose Bleed

10-10-11, 17:25
Hi All,

Over the past 8 months I have been getting nose bleeds from the back of my nose. They are not servere but they are also something that I haven't ever experienced before.

I started working in an air conditioned office in January of this year and I am wondering if it has anything to do with that?

Any thoughts?


10-10-11, 18:46
Could be dry air, try using saline nose drops/spray to moisturize or get a humidifier.

10-10-11, 20:00
I used to have nose bleeds everyday for 10 years, they came on at anytime, even when sneezed or fell over. Had big blood clots come out as big as strawberries. Still don't know why I got them, now they stopped 8 yrs ago and it turned to sinus and phlegm.
I did crack my head open which I think it's why they started but docs did nothing to check, I was just stitched up and sent home from school for a week, I even knocked my self out and don't think they realised, teacher said they thought I was having a rest so left me lying in blood.
Have you knocked your head or anything?
I was given some nose cream and they suddenly stopped, I stiill get them now and again, but not as bad. Mainly get them in winter and when hayfever bad.