View Full Version : new here looking for advice/help/etc- new baby

10-10-11, 18:09

My name is lou im 30 and have just had my second baby (girl) who is a week old, i have a 3.6yr old son, i suffered with anxiety and pnd after the birth of my son, and it resurfaced at about 30 weeks pregnant with my daughter, i started on fluoxetine at 38 weeks pregnant as the anxiety was becoming very difficult, the intrusive thoughts were the hardest or are the hardest to deal with.

after the initial euphoria of getting the birth out of the way and seeing my baby girl, the baby blues hit yesterday and i was having crippling intrusive thoughts about my daughter which made me feel utterly awful, i would never act on them the thought of them alone break my heart, it made me so upset and i cried my eyes out last night.. my hubby has been great, he himself has been an anxiety sufferer for years and guides me thru what intrusive thoughts are etc but im finding them hard to understand, and they make me feel like a bad person/mummy, today has touch wood been slightly better in the tearful department, and thoughts ive tried to manage by saying 'its not me its an intrusive thought' if i have one, i just find the knot of nervousness in my tummy hard to get rid of, and its on my mind this anxiety feeling, i worry about it becoming unmanageable.. seems silly im anxious about being anxious!!

when will the fluoxetine really start to help? its been about two and a half weeks now since i started it, ive also been referred by gp to cbt counselling but there is long waiting list so id imagine another few weeks before i get an appointment. i guess the drop in hormones isnt helping me as i felt id turned a small corner in my last week of preg anxiety wise...

omg im sorry its sooo long winded... xxxx

10-10-11, 18:11
Hi lougirl

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

10-10-11, 18:39
hi lou i had this exact same thing afte rmy 2nd child its the worse feeling in the world , but look at the anxiety its causing you , so it not true to you, not part of you and trully horrid , u should look at pure o its part of the anxiety dissorder , u wanna look into pure o on the net or on here this is def wat u have hun , so stop beating yaself up . i have had it on n off for 12 years , generally its under control but i buggered up and only took a cpl of tabs a week ( sertaline ) and managed to wash them outta my system !! so now restarting them with me personally increased my anxiety as it does with me on any ssri s and in turn bought my ocd back with these harm thoughts ext , u are def not alone hun me and my sister suffer this and i have a few friends that have too , it s actually more common than u think!! feel free to inox me anytime , take care , xxxxx;)

---------- Post added at 18:39 ---------- Previous post was at 18:24 ----------

try this link if u still struggling hun lol xx

10-10-11, 18:40
hi hun,
ah thank u for message, im sorry u suffer too, but its reasuring to no im not alone, your right its awful and even worse to deal with like u say after having a baby, when ur supposed to be happy, its hard as 2 days ago i was on top of the world then wham it hits me hard, im not sure if its hightened by the fluoxetine kicking in as no anxiety can be a symptom initially of the tablets, and think its coinsided with my breast milk coming in yesterday!! thank u tho i will look at pure o thank you, not heard of that but will look into! many thanks i appreciate it more than i can say.. xxx

10-10-11, 19:00
i know it completly ruined my baby time with her coz i was always frightened and did not know it was a form of ocd bought on by anxiety , my anxiety too was awfull with pregnancy !! hormones have a lot to bloody answer for i tell ya !! and the tabs always make me worse b4 better i have actually lowered mine to a tiny dose .... thats always a option if u cant cope with it .... i have inboxed u again hun if u want too add me as a face book buddy to discuss further ? xxx

11-10-11, 00:27
lougirl please talk to your Health Visitor or doctor again. They see many people who feel as you do. You don't need to struggle through this alone.