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10-10-11, 20:17
I have been thinking about this all day.
We found out the other week a faulty gene had caused my brothers physhosis.
My dad then told me about our huge family history of mental illness.
All his dads family had depression, hallucations, physchosis etc.
I was wondering if maybe I carry part of the gene aswell which causes this.
Its just intruging me a bit. :shrug:

10-10-11, 20:37
You may well, given the family history, but you are not alone in this.

I firmly believe that genetics plays a large part in certain conditions we have, and since that is the case with many inherited physical illnesses why should mental health be any different?

The first question I was asked by my GP many years ago when I became ill with depression and anxiety was if anyone in the family had suffered with mental health problems, and my Dad has - anxiety and panic attacks and he has had two nervous breakdowns and a stay in a mental health facility.

If you are carrying that genetic trait, it is something that is beyond your control so the best thing you and any of us can do is confront and deal with the condition(s) we have as best as possible.

Take care.x:hugs:

10-10-11, 20:56
Thank You.
I think i may well carry the gene im not sure.
Now thinking about it my mother had post natal depression and my aunt had severe ocd to.
My dads dads brother had physchosis and a lot of his extended family had depression and bi polar. So it does seem to run strong in the family.
Take Care x :)

10-10-11, 21:37
Thank You.
I think i may well carry the gene im not sure.
Now thinking about it my mother had post natal depression and my aunt had severe ocd to.
My dads dads brother had physchosis and a lot of his extended family had depression and bi polar. So it does seem to run strong in the family.
Take Care x :)

Bleeding hell! Looks like you could have a great party with all the meds that must be flying around! Chill out, you seem quite normal compared to some people I know, and they class themselves as 'normal' (a drone to the machine).

10-10-11, 21:39
Haha. I suppose we could yes. My dad always jokes about it "the nut house family" he used to say even though my brothers situation is still very serious at the moment and his very upset about it.

10-10-11, 21:45
hey, my family is just the same, my nan suffered anxiety so does me, my mum, aunt and my sister has suffered depression/controlling anxiety!! just hope to god my son doesn't suffer i the future :weep:
Nicola xx

10-10-11, 21:58
Yes my nan and dad seem to have been the ones to of "escaped" if thats the right word from any mental health issues.
I hope your son doesnt suffer as its horrible :)

11-10-11, 22:13
My Dad suffered with anxiety and panic attacks and it looks as though this aspect of his personality has been passed on to me! No history of severe mental illness though, although cancer does run in the family so thats something I'm constantly worried about even though I'm only 19.

11-10-11, 23:23
My psychologist told me that some people are born with a predisposition to "anxiety disorder" which is what I;m being treated for. i.e. genetic. Obviously people can be born with many hereditary genes for many different illnesses.

Anyway, back to "Anxiety Disorder", according to my psychologist people born with this "presidisposition" may or may not have an anxiety disorder. If they are brought up in an anxious household for example or are exposed to stressful situations during childhood then they are more likely to develop an anxiety disorder. For example two children brought up in the same household, exposed to same situations etc., if one has a predisposition and the other doesn't, then the one who does is more likely to develop an anxiety disorder whilst the other will never develop one. Does this make sense?? I don't think I'm putting it very well. :huh:

It makes sense to me, unfortunately there is a history of mental illness on both my parents sides of the family so I think I have inherited some sort of "predisposition" gene.

However, I don't think I should just lie down and give up because of this, I have to just accept it and try to help myself as best I can.( I have been treated for anxiety/panic attacks/agoraphobia/severe depression for over 20 years so it is clearly not just "going to go away"). I do this by taking medication, using breathing techniques and try to just "accept" my anxiety as part of who I am. I have to keep my stress levels down and not set myself "unachieveable" goals, although I still set goals for myself.

My psychologist said if I had another illness, say diabetes for example, I would have to watch what I ate. As I have an Anxiety Disorder,I have to accept this and work at keeping my stress levels down to minimise my symptoms.

Regards. x

12-10-11, 17:31
Hi Haz.

I think what you're saying about having a predisposition to anxiety is spot on, and that it has been triggered by stress during early life.

6 months before I first started having problems with anxiety, my parents seperated and then my grandfather (who I was very close to) died. I never really allowed myself to grieve and bottled everything up, I am simply no good at expressing emotions in a healthy way. I think that this has been the BIG reason for me getting into this state!

No point dwelling upon it now however, as you say you just have to accept it and do your best to get on with your life!

12-10-11, 20:46
It does make sense to me
Thank you both- it never really occured to me before that this could be a genetic issue x